
I am a 48 y/o mother with grown up children. Counselling is my pasion n how do I start? Cert or dip in ths?

by  |  earlier

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I have checked the internet and there are many online courses claimed to be recognised and accreditted, some are pretty expensive too. Currently I am reading "Teach Yourself counselling" by Aileen Milne.




  1. If you are really passionate about this, get a Master's degree in counseling.  Most professional associations require a Master's if you want to be registered.  And you really learn what you need to know in order to be successful at helping other people with complex personal problems.  And you'll be happy and fulfilled.

  2. to do any type of counselling you need a masters degree....

    until then you can look into social services jobs as a program aid for people with disabilities-you help tehm with their daily lives which may inclide emotional and physical needs....

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