
I am a 54 year old pool player I have bi-focal glasses. What kind of glasses are best?

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I am a 54 year old male. I enjoy playing pool. I wear bi-focals and they effect my game. What kind of glasses can I get to help me see the table and balls better?




  1. Never really had a problem (maybe that why I am not on the tour).....someone suggested single vision glasses to me once and that was a "blind leading the blind" idea......the cue ball is close and I see it fine and the object ball is "OK" to me......never really had problems......but I might just be wrong.....seriously, maybe that is why I miss some at times when I should have made them......"golly" now I really have an excuse......really, I do alright with my game with bifocals.......but maybe this something that I need to check out and maybe it would take me to the next level.........if it does remind me to send you your 1% fee for the "insight" to this possible problem......

  2. I know several people with this same problem , they always end up looking below the glasses or are trying to adjust them so they dont cut down the vision due to the nature of bifocals , my friend Vic ''the destroyer"" had gone to his eye doctor and told him the delima and how it effects his pool game , the doctor showed him a pair of bifocals for people that are real sprots minded , they sit a little higher over his eyes so he can easily see without the need to peek over the bifocal protion of the glasses , before he was always pulling the glasses down toward his nose to line up a shot to your optomoligist he will have a solution ,this is a common thing it effects other activities not just pool .

  3. I'm a 55 year old  pool player, ask an optimologist.Great game isn't it?

  4. You might want to look into something called "shooter's glasses".  Mention these to your eye doctor and they will know what you're talking about.  Some very skilled players such as Karen Corr and snooker player Dennis Taylor use these types of lenses.  I don't know if contact lenses are an option, but that will provide you complete peripheral clarity.  As human beings, we don't have a lot of experience looking in the uppermost region of our range of vision.  People tend to look downward or straight across, mostly to make sure we are stepping safely.  Happy Shooting.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

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