
I am a British American but raised in U.S. but still have accent?

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I was born in lackawanna new york and raised in the us and britan. but i go to london almost every other month and i still have an english accent. I am 14 by the way. My question is Here in america they like cofee and back home in london they like tea and fish and chips. Why dont like any of that stuff?




  1. Well I'm sure some Americans like fish and chips and tea, I mean I know my family does. And obviously people in England love coffee too, correct? While I was there I saw a million people drinking coffee. **shrugs** I guess it just has to do with culture in my opinion. And don't worry about your accent. I think English accents are cute. Message me, Ashley

  2. umm im american and i dont like coffee. haha i dont really know what youre asking but you dont have to like anything. all i know is that british accents are s**y so dont worry about that.

  3. This is me, I was raised until 6 in El Salvador, spanish speaking coúntry, i moved to the states at 6 then learned the english language, and now at 21 yrs old i speak it better than my spanish, and guess what after 15 yrs of speaking english I still have a spanish accent, but i love it because it shows people that i come from a far away place and thats different and i like that.  Dont worry about it, i think its cool

  4. Be lucky you don't have that NY accent. At least people understand the way you speak with your accent. Thank your parents with the British accent. Since you still travel to the UK and talk with your parents that's why you still have that accent.

    As for your comparision with US and UK not too many people in the US are exposed to the British culture unlike the cramming of the American culture in the UK. I would love to have a break in the afternoon to have tea. I've tried Fish and Chips and I like it. I don't care much for coffee other than to drink it soley just to wake up.

    I envy you because you're able to travel back to UK so often.

  5. My first visit to London was 32 years ago when I was a little older than you are now. At that time it felt like every hour I was being exposed to something that was different than American culture. They were just starting to show American television shows on BBC.

    The only sub-culture that I remember in London was Indian.


    Just enjoy the cultural differences that you see now. Many of them won't exist in 30 years.


  6. I can't figure that out either, and I've been travelling between the two countries for 20+ years. Maybe it's genetic? Something in the taste buds or something? American coffee is pretty bad, I think, and yet Starbucks does really well over here. Go figure!

    Tell you what, you and me'll go into business opening a fish and chip place in downtown New York. We'll make a fortune.

  7. i agree with Red cross, Curry over Fish and Chips any day

    or Chips with Curry sauce ... thats a good mix :-D Steak and Onion Pie, With Chips and Gravy would be my fave from the Chippy though

    and i hate tea and coffee

  8. because youve spent alot more time in america and obuiously adopted there culture and way of life.

  9. That's a bit of a generalisation.  I'm British and I drink coffee...  i'm not so keen on fish and chips...  but i'll always love tea,

    And as for the accent...  use it to your advantage...  the American girls dig it.

  10. are you serious,if you were really from england you would know that  is stereotypical nonsense.people in england are far more likely to drink cofee than tea & curry is more popular than fish & chips

  11. I'm British/American, I've lived in England for my whole life and have only been to the States maybe 6 times, and yet somehow I have a fairly strong American accent... I'm not entirely sure how I managed that, hehe.

    Is your question why *you* don't like any of that? Well, I don't see why you have to! Each to their own! I don't like coffee or fish & chips.

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