
I am a British and Australian citizen - my British passport has expired - I am going there next week??

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I have dual citizenship but my British passport has expired. I am going to the UK next week and have to use my Australian passport - will there be a problem as I am going on a one way ticket and I'm stopping off in Malaysia?




  1. Are you planning on staying and remaining in the UK or are you planing on going back to Oz??

    You need to contact the below people who will be able to answer your question and i would advise you do this asap. If you don't have a forwarding plane ticket to leave the UK and your UK passport has expired you may find you have an issue getting in without a visa.

    The last thing you need is to arrive into the UK and then immigration refuse you entry, they are very tight on this right now.

  2. there shouldn't be a problem you will just have to be in the longer 'non eu' queques

    take your expired passport with you just in case

  3. it takes several months to get a British passport now, including a lengthy interview and taking of your fingerprints in somewhere like a consul, because of the stupid new ID card scheme

  4. you can get it renewed in UK

    i recently  renewed my UK passport  took 3 weeks

  5. Hi, I have just been looking at one of our government sites regarding renewing my own passport here in the UK and whilst reading the info, I remembered your question.  If you wish to renew your British passport then the info you need is at the bottom of this link...

    I don't think you will have a problem as long as you can show that you have enough funds to support yourself whilst you are here.

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