
I am a British passport holder.Where can I live?Not Europe!?

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I am a British passport holder.Where can I live?Not Europe!?




  1. You can live wherever you want to apply to and have the funds for.

    Not Australia or Canada though. Too many Brits there already.

    Try India or Pakistan.

  2. come to canada man,

    many brtish live in BC

  3. U.S.A or Canada would be the logical choices.

  4. Australia is full of pommies.  You will like it here.

  5. I'd say Australia, and more specificaly, Perth. It seems thats where all the ENGLISH expats live. I geuss its something to do with the weather. No-one wants to live in the USA, it's craptastic.

  6. You can try HongKong or the Philippines. Asians are extremely nice people.

  7. Panama is very nice

  8. Minneapolis is very nice

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