
I am a i need to get converted to become a Baptist?

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I am a i need to get converted to become a Baptist?




  1. You don't need anything. I once went to a Baptist church. ( I was making my own analysis of how was church lately) However the first time I went they wanted to throw me to a swimming pool in order to get baptized. I immediately said no, but some people who were their first time too; did it and the became Baptist.

    So you don't really need anything except for swimming a little bit.

  2. If you are a Catholic and want to become a Baptist, then you should find out what Baptists believe so that you will know for sure that that is what you really want to do. Baptists have many beliefs that are very different than Catholics and you need to make sure that you want to  make the change. I am a Baptist and I know some people who were raised Catholic and then came into the Baptist church. They are happy in their new faith but they did have to learn why Baptist believe certain things that may be different than the way they were raised in the Catholic church.

  3. Baptist churches are easy to get into, just show up. they may want a letter of confirmation that you were already baptized elsewhere, from your old priest.

  4. You only need to believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ  :)  

    The ONLY WAY to get into heaven is by believing the Gospel of Jesus Christ  

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ is this: The truth is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal h**l is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved!

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die. :)

  5. You need to accept Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, make a public profession of faith and be baptized by immersion.

    Here are some Bible verses to look up that may help you:  Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, Romans 10:13, Romans 10:9,10; John 3:16, Proverbs 3:5,6.  

  6. no, just learn all the baptist things. like you learned all the catholic things. then you'll probably wanna move on to another one in a few years. baptists are more boring than my opinion

  7. I believe not - but why Baptist ?

    They do not have any more of God's truth other than baptism by immersion

    Why not seek out God's remnant church (it does exist, you know!)

    It is the one that OBEYS all of God's commandments !



  8. I agree with Chris, it's the Gospel that counts, and most baptists believe in the Gospel. You don't need to learn anything about baptists to become one, you need to become a born-again believer - to have the inner transformation that you get when you repent of your sins, lay down your life for Jesus, and ask him to be your Lord and Savior. If you pray a prayer with those ingredients, from the heart, God will hear you, and you will be saved! Then you could go to a Baptist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, or Independant church.  

  9. Well to become a Baptist you need to get baptized.  You must feel that you want Jesus Christ yo cleanse you of your sins.  Usually you take a little class with some other folks then there is a ceremony where the minister submerses you in water and you publicly announce your faith in Jesus. I do not believe you would have to give up or denounce being Catholic.

  10. No, you just start going to a Baptist Church and if you want to join, then ask the Preacher. You don't need to mention you are a Catholic.

    You don't need to mention it to your priest either. God Loves a Believer, no matter what denomination. You can always go back to the Catholic church if you don't like it.

    Rev. TomCat

  11. The only thing you need to convert is that you should not worship Mary the Mother of Jesus, or  better put, to not pray to her...Or any of the saints.

    The other thing you need to convert is confessing your sins to a priest.  

    The reason is:

    Jesus is the priest of the Christian church. (all denominations)

    (Catholic priests cannot give you absolution, they cannot answer prayer, but they can pray for you and give you guidance).  Any Christian that has grown in Christ. (some of us are baby christians)

    Only God answers prayer.  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.

    God has not given Catholic Priests the power to forgive sin.

    Read the new testament and meditate upon it.  

    To my knowledge the Baptist church does not require you to convert.

    Nor does any other non catholic christian church.  

    I believe that conversion is something required of Jews and Catholics and Middle Eastern Religions.  

    You will also need to dedicate your life to Jesus and ask him to come into your heart, and it will be good to get baptised again.  (just in case you did not know)

    I hope I didn't overstate, darn computer seems to start typing by itself.

    God Bless You


  12. if you believed before that your salvation was based on repentance and faith in do not need to convert...just start going to the Church....none of the apostles were re-baptized after the ressurection....

  13. You do need to be baptized. I've been to a Baptist Church, and they never said anything about converting, only baptizing.

    Which, since they are Baptists, is not surprising.

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