
I am a Chinese student and I want to ask about how can I learn English to talk with foreigners?

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I am a Chinese student and I want to ask about how can I learn English to talk with foreigners?




  1. try using google translator .  

  2. Your written English is very good.  Are you concerned with understanding spoken English and/or speaking English?  There are many sites for visiting with IM (instant messaging) some of these also have verbal IM.  Yahoo has some sites like this.

  3. You should become a Chinese exchange student in America ^__^

    My school last year had one, and he said that he learned a lot of English (: Just find a family here that's willing to host you (:

  4. Try joining some crash course in the language.

    it is not a difficult language like yours but can be learnt with some patience and practice.

    if you cannot afford any course.

    then buy yours self one big fat dictionary and read 2 pages everyday and try to use the words new to you when you speak with anyone.

    so you can improve your vocabulary.

    as of language try making some English friends or friends who can speak English. talk to them in English whenever you have a chit chat. and watch any English TV channels.

    these are the way i have tried and succeeded

    Bye then happy learning

  5. my chinese needs help. :D

  6. 多看英文电视。最好是新闻,但如果太无趣就看连续剧。




  7. use a good headset and watch english movies listen to the news,and listen to BBC

  8. first thing you need to do is to boost your self-esteem. you need to train yourself to speak with other people, particularly those who are already fluent in the language.

    if you are having a conversation with a foreigner and you did not understand what he had just said, it is always polite to ask the other person to repeat what he said in order for you to properly answer or respond.

    reading english magazines and watching english tv programs will help you, i assure. since you are a student, you can also take some English units in your university or join a club in order for you to have someone to talk with--in english

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