
I am a Christian homeschooler. Want to be able to go to school for sports. Need to give reasons! HELP!! ??

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I have a general outline but I want to know, "What are good arguments toward my position of going to public school?"






  1. it depends on where u live but a lot of times during the summer they have different teams(like football) and anyone can try out for them in the different age groups. i've had a lot of good guy friends that r homeschooled but still play football, basketball, baseball, and soccer on teams! if your parents have enough money ask 2 go 2 a catholic private school(u don't have 2 be catholic 2 go) cause they offten have a lot of excelt sport teams!    good luck!  hope this helps! :)

  2. If your state school system supports this, you shouldn't have to give reasons. You should, of course, have the ability to contend with the kids in the school that also want to be on the team, but the school shouldn't be able to deny you just because you are a homeschooler. Go to and see what you can find on homeschoolers participating in public school sports in your state.

  3. My daughter is home schooled but takes some of her classes like Spanish, JR OTC and Health at the local High school. She is also involved with clubs and with sports. Is this an option in your state? If so, it would be a great compromise. Just make sure you are spiritual sound and mature enough to handle it, that is what your parents will probably be most concerned with.

  4. Honestly from a parent's perspective sports are not a good enough reason to go into public school because there are so many options in most communities for you to play sports outside of a school setting. Places like recreation centers, churches, city parks etc all have various sport leagues. If you are in a large city most likely you can find sports programs for homeschoolers.

    That being said. Your best bet is to address your parents reasons for choosing to homeschool and reassure them (if possible) that their concerns will still be covered. For example if they are schooling for religious reasons can you find a parochial school to attend? Be reasonable NOT emotional and they are more likely to hear what you are saying. Good luck

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