
I am a Christian learning about the Theory of Evolution. What should I do?

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I will not write a paper against Christianity. Rack, Shack, and Benny could've done that. But they didn't, so they survived a fire.




  1. Evolution is not a religion.

  2. I think you should start by reading "Evolution For Dummies" by Greg Krukonis and Tracy Barr.  It's an excellent starting point for learning what the theory of evolution actually states, as opposed to the many dishonest strawman arguments you'll have heard against it.

    "Evolution = A lie saying we evolved from monkeys. Even our textbook says we didn't evolve."

    No.  Firstly, can you prove it's a lie?  I mean, it's one thing to say it's wrong, or a mistake, but a lie is a deliberate action.  If you're going to say it's a lie, then you need to prove that 99.9% of the world's scientists are deliberately lying.  Do feel free to take my YouTube challenge -

    And secondly, it doesn't say we evolved from monkeys.  For Christ's sake, have an idea of what you're arguing against.

  3. You can start by learning that you can both accept evolution and still believe in God:

    And you can also read up on what evolution actually is, instead of basing disbelief of it on inaccurate definitions:

  4. Okay, I am a scientist.  A couple of things.  First, there is no such thing as an evolutionist any more than there is such a thing as a gravitationalist.  Second, many many Christian denominations accept evolution.  Evolution is an observable fact.  There have been over 100 cases where new species formed right when biologists were observing the species from which they came.  Many medicines that people take every day can only exist if evolution is true and creationism is false.

    All science is non-religious.  The reason science must be non-religious is that whatever your explanation of how the world works for whatever discipline in science, it must work for everyone no matter what their beliefs.  A medicine must work whether the person is Buddhist, Christian, Atheist or Shinto.  If a rock falls, the explanation must not depend upon your religion.

    The problem with non-scientists arguing against evolution is that they do not understand the implications.  For example, if evolution is false, then the second law of thermodynamics is also false.  Evolution depends upon the underlying chemistry and physics.  For creationism to be true many things, like the space shuttle, could not function because it would imply that the laws of physics apply to everything EXCEPT plants and animals and the laws of chemistry apply to everything except the plants and animals.

    It isn't just evolution.  If the theory of production in economics is false, then the second law of thermodynamics is false.  Each scientific theory is strictly dependent on other theories.  None of them stand alone.

    Finally, consider the reward to a biologist for disproving evolution.  It has been tested and retested for 150 years and at no point has it come close to being disproved.  Indeed, all the attempts to fault it ended up making it a much better theory.  A biologist who could prove it false would be an instant millionaire and quite possibly a billionaire over time.

    Now consider the issue from the preacher's point of view.  A preacher who opposes evolution can talk about how Christians and the Christian viewpoint is oppressed.  Oppression breeds religious feeling, freedom really softens the need for a religion.  If no one is oppressing you, you feel less of a need to form a group to protect yourself.  Preachers get larger and more loyal congregations if they oppose evolution.

    Besides, that would either imply that the bible was wrong OR it would imply that the preacher just didn't understand the bible.  Either way, the preacher is likely to be unemployed.

    Evolution is supported by literally billions of pieces of evidence.  Creationism is supported by a specific way of reading the bible but all major denominations endorse evolution and say that fundamentalist pastors are just misunderstanding God.

    Truthfully, you have not really read the bible well, or you would realize this issue is a false issue.  Galileo went on trial for disproving about 40 passages of the bible.  The Catholic Church put him on trial for disproving biblical passages.  The bible is wrong on quite a bit of science, not just the origin of humans.

    I am attaching a link on the science of astronomy.  In it, you can find a large number of bible passages and you can read what those passages say and then read what the observed facts about the world are.  The bible was written by a stone age people who were 99% illiterate, who believed the Earth was flat.  If God did appear to them, could he have discussed protons with them in the way a physicist understands them today, or DNA?  Is there another message in Genesis that your pastor is just missing and not understanding?  Is your dad smarter than your pastor?  Sounds like it.  

  5. just learn it. its another knowledge anyway.

  6. Evolutionist = made-up word.

    You should let yourself be educated. You can both accept evolution and be a Christian, you know.

    As a matter of fact, those people you refer to as "evolutionists" are probably Christians as well, and to assume they're not just because they accept evolution is quite ignorant.

    And evolution is fact. Your brother is fine.

  7. I think you're missing the point of science class. Science deals with known observations about our world, and possible explanations.

    Your teacher's classes on Evolution will NOT address the origin of life. So why do you have such a problem with it?

  8. Given that you know NOTHING about evolution, and the science of how it was discovered, tested, and refined, you are in an IGNORANT position to attempt to criticise it. Your path is the path to ignorance and darkness. Evolution is not a religion, nor is it automatic atheism. The kids who are fine with the science of evolution are the smarter kids in your class, thats a fact. Their "souls" are fine, because they are actually getting an education in the facts, rather than resisting knowledge in favour of Bronze Age goatherder myths.

    There is a veritable mountain of evidence for evolution, and NONE for creationism. The IDiot notion that evolution = big secular conspiracy is pure kookery.

    Heres what a Republican judge, appointed by that Commie G. W. Bush, had to say on the topic in his decision of the Kitzmiller case:

        "For the reasons that follow, we conclude that the religious nature of ID [intelligent design] would be readily apparent to an objective observer, adult or child" (page 24)

        "A significant aspect of the IDM [intelligent design movement] is that despite Defendants’ protestations to the contrary, it describes ID as a religious argument. In that vein, the writings of leading ID proponents reveal that the designer postulated by their argument is the God of Christianity." (page 26)

        "The evidence at trial demonstrates that ID is nothing less than the progeny of creationism" (page 31)

        "The overwhelming evidence at trial established that ID is a religious view, a mere re-labeling of creationism, and not a scientific theory." (page 43)

        "Throughout the trial and in various submissions to the Court, Defendants vigorously argue that the reading of the statement is not “teaching” ID but instead is merely “making students aware of it.” In fact, one consistency among the Dover School Board members’ testimony, which was marked by selective memories and outright lies under oath, as will be discussed in more detail below, is that they did not think they needed to be knowledgeable about ID because it was not being taught to the students. We disagree." (footnote 7 on page 46)

        "After a searching review of the record and applicable caselaw, we find that while ID arguments may be true, a proposition on which the Court takes no position, ID is not science. We find that ID fails on three different levels, any one of which is sufficient to preclude a determination that ID is science. They are: (1) ID violates the centuries-old ground rules of science by invoking and permitting supernatural causation; (2) the argument of irreducible complexity, central to ID, employs the same flawed and illogical contrived dualism that doomed creation science in the 1980's; and (3) ID's negative attacks on evolution have been refuted by the scientific community." (page 64)

        "[T]he one textbook [Pandas] to which the Dover ID Policy directs students contains outdated concepts and flawed science, as recognized by even the defense experts in this case." (pages 86–87)

        "ID’s backers have sought to avoid the scientific scrutiny which we have now determined that it cannot withstand by advocating that the controversy, but not ID itself, should be taught in science class. This tactic is at best disingenuous, and at worst a canard. The goal of the IDM is not to encourage critical thought, but to foment a revolution which would supplant evolutionary theory with ID." (page 89)

        "Accordingly, we find that the secular purposes claimed by the Board amount to a pretext for the Board’s real purpose, which was to promote religion in the public school classroom, in violation of the Establishment Clause." (page 132)


    You're in 7th Grade, so its also a fact that you DON'T know very much about... anything as yet. If you refuse to learn, you will never know anything more than you do now. In which case, you need to start learning this phrase that will define your career: "Would you like fries with that?"  

  9. Go on youtube, look up Ken Miller on intelligent design.

    He is a christian evolutionist, and he can easily prove evolution.

    You are only in 7th grade, and it is understandable that both aspects are confusing. As you get older you will realize the truth. That nowhere in the bible does it say that evolution is not true.  

  10. Take a bite and if you can't swallow, spit it out! and still pass the course without adhering to it's beliefs.

  11. It's ok to learn about opposing viewpoints.  So think of it that way -- then you'll know about evolution and you will be better equipped to discuss evolution vs. creationism.  It's part of the critical thinking process.  

    You don't have to believe in evolution to get an A -- you know what answer the teacher wants and you can give it.  You don't have to insert editorial comments into your answers.

    Personally, I am a Christian but I believe in evolution -- I think evolution is the process through which God created everything.

  12. evolutionist is a made up word, theres ppl accept evolution and ppl ignorant in biology

    i do not care whether you like evolution or not, its a scientific theory and must be taught as that, just answer the things right and ignore it and move on

    i am as much of an evolutionist as a gravitationalist plate techtonicist, cell theorist, atomic theorist

  13. you can op out of the time in class when evolution is taught. i pulled my kids out and they went to the Libray to study while evolution was taught. they must do this by law or you can sue the school.they have to accommodate your religious views. stand strong on this and don't give in. good luck

  14. why don't you wanna learn?

  15. I fail to see the problem, evolution isn't a religion any more than the general theory of relativity is.

    Why don't you LEARN about something before you discount it as false.

    Seems that you would be doing yourself a great injustice to remain ignorant beacuse you fear you could be wrong.

  16. If it is an essay question simply state: "evolution teaches..."  and state what they teach.  

    I did the same in my psychology classes.  I would say "Freud taught..." and spell it out without endorsing Freud.  

    Freud, fraud, and evolution are evils that will continue to be taught in public schools until Christ returns.  

    By the way,  Texas lawmakers have approved the Bible to be taught in public High Schools.  So there is some good news.

  17. Your teacher teaches science. The theories are based on observable phenomena. Your teacher knows what she's talking about. Ask questions in class, you will get a better understand the concepts behind evolution

  18. I went through that when I was in high school, a long, long time ago. lol I went to my counselor and told him that I wanted to drop the class because what it was teaching went against my spiritual beliefs. He told me it was a required class and I had to take it. I told him that I was not going to take it and he couldn't make me. If he didn't drop me I would simply not show up for class because I wasn't going to spend my time being taught something that went against my personal religious beliefs. He let me drop the class. Sometimes, though, I wish I had taken the class and just ignored that part of it. Maybe you can get an exception to being tested on evolution. Then again, it's only being explained as a theory. It all depends on you and what you want to accomplish here.

  19. Learn Evolution in school.  Learn Creation in church.  Ponder on them both and decide for yourself what you believe.  If you pick Creation, at least you went into the decision fully informed on both sides, and that's the best way to make a decision.

  20. Education teaches and indoctrinates you to the religion of Evolution, those who say it isnt are talking rubbish and are n denial, for the most part Richard Dawkins seems to be one of their many gods.

    Go on google video or youtube and watch Kent Hovind silence these so-called intelligent men.

  21. You don't have to believe it. Getting an Education is more important. Evolution isn't a religion... just to inform you.

    Sorry to burst your bubble. :)

  22. It is still a theory no matter how much they have faith in it.

    I believe in the theory of creation. I believe in Genesis record

  23. Your teacher's not elevating non-religion over religion - she's elevating science over mythology.

  24. Read books like The Selfish Gen by Richard Dawkins. Then you will see the difference between science and pseudoscience.


    Sorry, I didn't read the entire question :S. You can be a Christian and accept evolution.


    Full Armor of God: Thanks for showing the "proofs" that creationists use to disprove evolution.

  25. Ok so you believe in creation. Regardless of what is written in your bible you are wrong.  Ask yourself how can you possibly argue against evolution if you know nothing about evolution?  

    Don't handicap yourself by closing your mind at such an early age.

  26. Given your sentence structure and grammar, Id suggest you learn everything you can.  Teachers are not required to teach evolution, it is simply scientific fact. They can not teach a given religion's viewpoint, unless it is a class about world religions.

    As my 2 daughters were growing up, I spent a great deal of time researching creationism as I wanted to explain to them why it was scientifically sound.  However I found out that not only is creationism completely ridiculous, but it resorts to extremely dishonest methods.  Essentially if a creationist makes a claim about science, it is a complete and utter lie.


    If you are willing to learn, the links below are some of the better ones that I've found to explain why creationist are dishonest and potentially give you a reasonable background in the science behind evolution.  What you believe is up to you, however be aware that your beliefs do not change reality.

  27. "Evolution = A lie saying we evolved from monkeys. Even our textbook says we didn't evolve"

    You're going to fail if that's what you think evolution is.  And if your text book says that you didn't evolve then that's not a evolution textbook.  Are you sure you're not using "Of pandas and people" or some other ridiculous Intelligent Design based nonsense?

  28. Just learn evolution and then persist in a delusion thats its all a lie. That's what most Christians do.  

  29. If you and your friends want to believe nonsense, go right ahead, but your faith in the Bible isn't going to change scientific fact, and scientific fact is what gets taught in American public schools.  If you don't like this, then tell your mother to home-school you.  In the end, you dopes will end up working at McDonalds or Wal-Mart anyway.

    Let me ask you, are you planning to tell your science teacher that the Earth is the center of the universe, and that it was created in 6 days.  You realize he'll bust a gut laughing as he gives you an F, right?

  30. Just because they teach it does not mean you need to believe it. The majority of the scientific community believes it is a true theory, myself included, so that is why they teach it because almost everyone believes it to be fact. So you should just learn about it and then choose not to believe it. It is always good to learn about the other side of things, even if you don't believe it, it may be beneficial for you later in life to at least know a little about it.

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