
I am a Filipino, Can i stay in Canada for 2 weeks without a visa?

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I would like to visit my husband for two weeks in Canada. Can I travel to Canada without a Visa?




  1. Not legally.

  2. No, you must apply for a tourist visa to enter Canada

    you will be denied entry if you arrive without a visa

  3. No as a Fillipino You will need a Visitors Visa for Canada..The only exception to this rule would be if you Hold Legal Permanent residency in the USA this would exempt you from requiereing a Canadian Visa.

    Assuming you live in the Phillipines you will need to take the following to the Canadian embassy in Manilla

    Each applicant must provide:

    • Completed “Application for a Temporary Resident Visa” (IMM5257). If you and your spouse or common-law partner and/or dependent children apply together, it is not necessary for each person to fill out separate application forms. Only your accompanying children who are aged 18 years old and above must complete their own application forms.

    • Completed “Personal Information Form”. Separate form should be completed by your spouse or common-law partner if accompanying.

    • Two (2) photos for each person, meeting the requirements of the Appendix below – Photo Specifications. On the back of one photo (and only one) in each set, write the name and date of birth of the person appearing in the photo.

    • The correct processing fee. Fees must be paid by manager’s cheque, certified cheque, postal money order or bank draft payable to the “Canadian Embassy, Manila”. Cheques and PMOs should be valid for at least 6 months upon submission of your application. Cash will NOT be accepted and processing fee is non-refundable.

    • Current passport (valid for six months after the date of intended entry to Canada), and old passports showing previous travel. If the laminate on the biopage is disturbed around the photo, a new passport is required. In order to save valuable time, please obtain a new passport prior to submitting yourapplication.

    • Original proof of funds showing history, such as current and previous savings passbooks, time deposits, original business registration forms, and income tax returns. If you have an ATM account, please provide a history of transaction within the last 6 months.

    • Original proof of assets

    • Original employment certification confirming your position, salary, and duration of approved leave, if employed, or original certificate of enrolment, if student.

    • Photocopy of your valid return ticket (if you have one)

    If you are going to visit family or friends, you need to provide your own proof of income and funds to demonstrate your financial situation in the Philippines. You may also provide the following:

    • A letter of invitation from your relative or friend that includes their full name, address, telephone and fax numbers, your name and relationship to the inviter, the intended duration of the visit, and a statement concerning who will pay for the trip expenses.

    • A copy of citizenship or immigration status document (to demonstrate that they are legally in Canada) of the person inviting you.

    • For the person who will pay for your trip, please supply financial supporting documents to prove that they can afford to support this visit, including reliable and verifiable information from a third party source of your host's income, employment letter and proof of funds.

    Happy Travels

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