
I am a Hillary supporter who refuses to back Obama and won't vote McCain. Am I the only one?

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It was Hillary or nobody as far as I am concerned. Obama is a fake and bad news and McCain is proving senile. His VP pick was laughable.




  1. I was for Hillary too because I view her as being more moderate than Obama and because I knew she would be getting Bill's advice.  I think Bill was a very excellent moderate president.  

    I plan on making my voting decision after the debates.  I would disagree with you about Palin as McCain's VP choice.  She is actually the only one between Obama, McCain, and Biden that has any executive experience and she has done an excellent job as governor of Alaska.  She has strong convictions, ethics, and morals, and governs based on good principles.  Read her bio.  I am very impressed with her.

  2. best thing to do is stay home on election day then, and also try to convince your other fellow democrats to do the same.

  3. Im 100 with you.  We are many and we were robbed in this primary.  Senator Clinton got more votes but was pushed into a corner for the party.  The super delagates were useless and were afraid to challenge the or use their vote because Obama had more state delagates without Michigan and Florida counting.  How unfair is that.  I'm writing in Hillary but hoping something "changes" the ticket before the election.  

  4. I don't still get why some Hillary supports won't choose Obama and some will actually choose McCain over him. I was for both Hillary and Obama and honistly they pretty much have the same idea, etc. for the country. Now changing parties, that's pretty big because then I think to myself, why were you supporting a Democrat and then suddently changed to a Republican because right there are completely different ideas on how they want this country to be changed. Actually I know two people who supported Hillary only because she was a woman and once she lost to Obama, they supported McCain because they were Republicans. As I said, Hillary and Obama have practically the same ideas for the country but there is a wide difference between Obama and McCain, which makes me wonder why Hillary supporters won't vote for Obama (Really didn't want to mention this but hopefully race wasn't an issue, but for some it possibility could be).

  5. Judge not least we be judged

    you vote for the right choice NOT a political party!    : -)

    and i sorry but hillary was not one of

  6. Get her to let you write her in.  I want to vote for Ron Paul, so I understand how you feel.

    I think Hillary would have been better than McCain or Obama, but would still have wanted to vote for Ron Paul.

  7. I doubt it, but I bet more Hillary supporters will support Obama than won't.

  8. We don't need you, we got it all wrapped up!

  9. Obama is a fake?  Hillary sounds like she is trying to pick the best lie everytime she talks.  Obama was speaking at a black church and sounded like obama.  Hillary was speaking at a black church and tried to sound like an old school black preacher.  That is laughable.   She is transparently manipulating people, and you call obama a fake.  He may be a really good lier, but he is the only one in this campaign that still has any claim to appearing sincere.

    I do not understand the logic that says, a candidate that is obviously insincere is better than a candidate who appears sincere becuase the one who appears sincere could be lying.  The one that is obvious is defenitely insincere.

    I looked at some of the sites that balme disenfranchisement for obamas caucus success.  Most of the disenfranchisement could not be argued to have disenfranchised one group over another.  Chanting is not intimidation.  Also, most of the loopholes mentioned were loopholes that would be just as easily be exploited by clinton supporters.  College students were allowed to support clinton.  Was it a conspiricy to make sure that college students had access, knowing that obama would run and appeal to college students.  Let it go! She lost!  There was no trick.  She is a polarizing candidate.

  10. I felt the way you do...until I watched the DNC Convention.  Hillary's speech was awesome...then Bill's speech just more reinforcement.  A couple of us at work were lamenting on how bad the choices were for President...Obama or McCain.  We decided we may have to go with the party that we think is better.  For me that is clearly the Dems.  I like Biden...and I will vote for him.

    There is no doubt in my mind that Hillary was the absolute best for the Presidency.  I get sick whenever I think what could have been!

    I'm upset with the DNC...Dean and Brazile (she started the racist stuff with Bill Clinton), Kennedy, Kerry, Pelosi.  Brazile made the decision to punish both MI and FL...she KNEW Hillary would win both states and be the nominee.  THREE other states moved their primaries and were NOT punished.  The were thought to be Obama states...but as it turned out, only two were.  

    I don't think Hillary wanted any part of the VP position with Obama...she wants more and I think she will get more.

    Hillary would have won if the caucuses were fair...those Obama people are vicious!  I had heard they surrounded Hillary supporters and plastered them with Obama stickers.  They pushed yelled and screamed.  When campaigning for Hillary were were verbally and maliciously attacked.  So I know a lot of the information in the articles below are true.  

    I think the DNC, the Super Delegates have it all wrong...they act like the need to tell us...the voters...who to vote for, like we work for them.  WE the voters put them there...they work for US!! Interesting that Kennedy and Kerry all endorsed Obama when the people were voting for Hillary.  Both are losers of the Presidency.  Kennedy a sour loser!  I don't think he wanted the Clinton's to overshadow the Kennedy Camelot fairytale.  

    And yes, Palin is laughable...especially her comment about the cracked ceiling...someone needs to tell her Hillary cracked the ceiling in the Oval Office...not the VPs office!  

    But if we don't vote...McCain will win...and that is the WORST that can happen.  Obama owes the Clintons BIG...never has there ever been an endorsement by someone who lost.  Hillary had MORE than enough electoral votes to win...the DNC should never have that power to change our candidate.  The DNC needs to get rid on Brazile and Dean...and the people on the rules committee.  They lied to us on May 31st..that was supposed to have been televised...yet they took a long lunch and made their decision.  The Caucuses should be done away with...too much fraud has occurred.  The DNC needs new leadership and they need to revamp the rules for the Primary...only allow voting and ALL States need to vote!!  

    I watched the early debates...and Obama has adopted so many of Hillary's Health care...Obama said NOT everyone would have to have health care...Hillary did and today that is his policy.  Raising taxes..Obama said he would raise taxes on people making 75 thousand...Hillary said 250 thousand and today that is Obama's stance.  

    Hillary is in the background and I think she will get something better...a lot better!

  11. At this point you might as well throw your vote away.

    Better come to terms and make a deal with the devil and vote your party.

  12. What's laughable is your shallow political position.

    There's a h**l of a lot more to all this than Hillary being swooped on her term. Which I agree should have been hers' because Obama needs more time serving in the Senate, but he's the nominee, and Hillary Clinton is not. That's just the way it is. All you can do is smile : )

  13. That is why Hillary should run as an independent.  You can always write her name in the space provided and still vote for her.

  14. I'm reserving judgment of Palin until after the RNC.  I don't trust what the media says about McCain and Palin.  I mean, remember how Hillary was treated at times by the media?  I need to hear for myself.

    Hillary should have won!  And Obama showed poor judgment by not honoring the people's choice when choosing his running mate.

  15. I agree with you totally, but I have to vote for McCain.  It's just too dangerous a risk to let someone like Obama in the White House.  Who knows what could happen.

  16. Your vote will not be missed...millions of people do not yours doesn't really matter.   Actually, I will be voting for the first time this year...for me voting will offset you not voting in Obama's favor (and there are thousands of others just like me).

  17. I am a Hillary supporter, and have put my efforts behind Obama. Why? Well because I do not want McCain in office. I would rather have Obama in office more than a man who is 72, is out of touch, has just chosen a VP that is completely to the far right (so much so that she wants to ban condoms), and voted with Bush 95% of the time. In addition, I do not want a candidate who flip-flops on all issues, from abortion to same s*x marriage to torture to tax cuts (whatever his position is he should stick to one). I just cannot risk having another Republican in the office. Not to mention that I am completely appalled that the man would choose a woman to simply further his agenda. I am not naive nor dumb and Palin is no Hillary. I think in the end you should research both candidates and find which one is best, because I truly believe that it is your civic duty to vote and even though it may be a difficult decision, we have fought way too hard for you not to cast your ballot. I really do hope you vote no matter who it is for.  

  18. If Hillary runs as an independent, all it'd probably do is split the democratic votes.. Fortunately, she is not doing that.

  19. Whoa, sorry for you then, your choices are Bob Barr, Ron Paul, or anyone else that you choose to write in.  Looks like your decision to stick with Hillary may get you left out in this election.  

  20. I feel the same way.  I'll write in Clinton or I'll vote Nader.

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