
I am a Jamaican/US citizen. How do I get a Jamaican passport to travel with? Should I travel with both?

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I need to know how this dual citizenship thing works.




  1. If you are successful at obtaining two Passports - travel with both.

  2. Your Local JAMAICAN  Embassy or CONSULATE wit a fee can issue you a JAMAICAN PASSPORT for a fee- if you can prove to them that once upon a  time you was a JAMAICAN citizen...It is very illegal to travel with two passports...the Immigration Dept. of any NATION wants to know when you arrived and where & how you arived - how long you stayed & where you stayed  and when & how and from where you left IF you will use 2 passports ...the second one will not have the stamp of entrance...and then you will face criminal & espioniage charges.

  3. You'll be able to get into more countries with less trouble with your American passport.

  4. you get the jamican passport from the jamican embassy/consulute...

    you should enter the united states on your US passport becuse of a federal law.

    i dont know if jamica has such a law again you should cheak with the embassy/consulute.

    if you travel to anyplace that is not the united states or jamica you can enter with any passport you wish(if jamica does not have a law about entering jamica with your jamican passport you can enter it with any passport you wish but if you enter with your american passport you can seek consulur assistance at a case of emergancy such as arrest etc. but if jamican law requires you to enter on your jamican passport you have no option but to enter on your jamican passport)

  5. Dual citizenship?  I don't think so.  If your mother came to this country and gave birth to you, and you assume you are an American Citizen, you may discover you are not.  You might want to check.

  6. 1 - buy bottle of aspirin

    2 - pour 40-50 pills into your hand

    3 - swallow them all at once

    4 - ???

    5 - PROFIT!

  7. Goto:

    YES If you do not have your US passport you may be detained on re-entry. Jamaica may have a similar rule.

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