
I am a Jamaican living in the US who would like to return to Jamaica,when I am finished with college..?

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Do you think this is a wise decision?

The thing is I have been living in the US for the last two years and all I can think about is Jamaica. I miss it so much. I just returned from vacation there yesterday and I am still crying to return. I do not know why I miss it to so bad but all I know is I want to return home but the only thing that has me worrying is not been able to get a good job. I am going to be majoring in marketing when I begin college this August if that helps. I do have my US green card so I am thinking if I could get a good job there when I am done with college,that would be nice and then I could always travel to the US with my greencard.

Do you think this is a wise decision or I should just stay and work in the US ad tough it out even though I am still feeling miserable and sad?




  1. I'm going back after college too..I prefer Ja much more dan in di US..go back to's not gonna be worthwhile to spend your life here if ur not happy..u might regret it when u look back 50 years from now dat u never went back to ja...I think if u do outstandingly well in college and maybe have work experience u should be able to get a job...

  2. i feel your struggle. i was in the same position. i graduated college last year and i really wanted to return to jamaica but the reality of the situation is that i cant find a good job with in BA in psychology. i have decided to stay here and save money and get a masters degree and a few years work experience before i move back there.

    it is very important for you to follow your heart and do what you think you can live with. jamaica is beautiful and the people there just make me feel happy all the time. i miss my family, the sun and the beach everyday and that will never get any easier for me. the only thing i try to do is to visit as often as i can. that however is bittersweet in istelf because i just end up feeling so much more sad when i return here.

  3. Follow ur heart. at the end of the day u got to please urself first. youre Jamaican so u should know that the trouble with getting a good job in jamaica is that u are either well educated (bachelor deg. masters deg. etc) or u got links. good luck girl. home sweet home.

  4. I made that decision last year after 14 years away and have yet to regret it!  It is not easy but it is WONDERFUL living in Jamaica.  As stingjam suggested, it might be to your advantage to stay for a couple of years to build your experience.  More and more of our companies in Jamaica are going global and would love for someone with some first world marketing experience.   Good luck and keep your eye on the in JA!! :o)

  5. Go!

  6. I understand you being homesick, I get that way sometimes, I visited earlier in the year had a wonderful time and got Jamaica out of my system for a while!

    .....Go home and work there at home in Jamaica when you graduate.

    It is not worth the stress(you are having) to stay in the US if you are not happy.  No matter how much money you can earn.

    Life is so much more than money.

  7. Get experience in the U.S.A. first. Build up sufficient capital to buy a house before returning. Make housing contributions to the NHT while in the U.S.A. so that you will be eligible for benefits when you return.

    Even a small house that you will rent out (rather than living in) will give you a major advantage returning to jamaica.

    Having CAPITAL makes the biggest difference to how successfull you will be when you want to become integrated into the Jamaican social and employment circles.

  8. Follow you heart!, if you are miserable here then go, we have enough miserable people here!

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