
I am a Pizza Hut Delivery Driver and I am black, why don't black people tip?

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I am not trying to be racist because I am black and tip all the time. I think if you get a Pizza Delivered to your house that cost 20 or 30 dollars then you should tip at least 2 dollars. I get mad that I drive all the way to somebody's house and they don't tip. Pizza Hut only gives us a dollar/delivery so that is really nothing. I make most of my tips off of other races but I hate as a black man going to black peoples house that's bad. Do me a favor if your black don't order a 30 dollar order and not tip the driver who just brought it to your house. That is very ignorant and as a black person makes me racist.




  1. My husband waited tables in college and had that happen alot.  He could never figure out why that was.  He waited one table and the bill was almost 100 they paid and left him the change of like 34 cents.  He followed them out and gave them their change.  He stills mentions it from yime to time and has been out of school for 10 yrs.

  2. you may need to educate them by saying something like, "It's customary to tip the delivery person."

  3. I would say "i accept tips for driving all the way here"

    One time i ordered chinse food, i gave the guy a $4 tip and he said "thats it? and put up his hand to hit me.

  4. Right on ! i totally agree with you TIP THIS GUY don't be cheap ! if you cant afford a tip then dont order a pizza

  5. Im white but my husband is black, we tip anyone. His family doesnt tip black people becuase they think if they see another black person then they are "fam" therefore they dont have to tip. My husband and I think its stupid that they wont tip but thats what they think! Hope you start getting tips

  6. Perhaps they have less money and thus can't afford a tip.

  7. You must live down south (guess).

    I live in gastonia, nc, and I waitressed at outback, and blacks never tipped me. If they did, it was $1...or they were from out of state. lol. I know how you feel...I don't know why.

  8. People who dont tip, do so simply because they dont have to. Tipping is not mandatory and they feel youre already getting paid to do your job. Yes, its extremely rude and inconsiderate. They just choose to ignore etiquette.

    I believe that anyone who provides a service (delivery man, hairstylist, waiter) deserves a tip. But thats just me. Some people (regardless of race) just dont care. Maybe they feel they need those 2 dollars more than you.

    I always overtip and that makes my family mad. Once I gave the delivery man a $30 tip simply because I felt bad asking for change. After all he did make the drive to my house, and come right to your door.  I just gave him the money and told him to keep the change. I would feel like a tight *** waiting there for my change, so I just let him keep it.

    Sometimes I think calling for delivery should charge a little more, but that would definitly lose business.

  9. I always tip. Doesn't matter who's delivering. Jobs like that are tough. People need to pay for their laziness. Gas is expensive.

  10. i really can't say. i'm white.. but most of my family is interracial.

    i have 6 aunts and an uncle, all of which had at least 3 children. i have around 14 mixed african american/white cousins. most of them are males, and when they get pizza, they don't tip very well. i personally think it's more of a guy thing LOL.

    but yeah, i'm a white female, and have a white female roommate. we JUST ordered pizza hut and tipped $6. we never tip any less. i think it's because as girls, we have more empathy lol.

    but good luck on your future tips from.. well, everyone :)

  11. Make sure to slip in the phrase, "You know, I accept tips" and smile, so they know that you're a friendly person. Also, when they open the door, smile and say hello. Then, if they tip, thank them and tell them to have a good day/night.

    Hope I helped!

  12. I wasn't aware they didn't. I used to tip a percent unless they had to come out in bad weather and then I just made it an even $5.

    I waitressed and it seems as if NOBODY tips anymore. The only people who tip correctly anymore are other servers.

    LOL, to the poster who mentioned the Chinese delivery. You and my brother-in-law must have had the same guy. My BIL gave a respectable tip, and the guy looked totally offended and said, "that's it?!?" and cussed him all the way back to his car. Wonder what that's about?

  13. If your black, then you should already know why (some) blacks don't tip.

  14. Black people do tip. At restaurants, I tip 15% like I am supposed to 20% if the service was good.A pizza delivery man would receive between 2 and three dollars on a 20 dollar or less pizza.

  15. I tip my delivery guy.  I don't care what color he, or she, is.  I'm white though.  Looks like your biggest pet peeve is with black people's homes.

    I see a lot of problems with waiters and waitresses not receiving tips from African American patrons.  Probably quite common.  :(

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