
I am a Samoan Citizen, do I loose my Samoan right if I appoved as an Australian Citizen?

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I want to keep both my Samoan Citizen and Australian Citizen, Is that possible?




  1. What is dual citizenship?

    It is the result of the interaction of the laws of two countries. People can become dual citizens automatically, or after successfully applying for the citizenship of another country.

    Examples of ways in which people can become dual citizens automatically are:

    a child born in Australia who is an Australian citizen at birth and is automatically a citizen of the country of birth, or citizenship, of a parent or grand-parent


    an Australian citizen who automatically becomes the citizen of another country through marriage.

    Examples of circumstances in which people apply for another citizenship are:

    Australians who apply for the citizenship of another country because a parent or grand-parent was born in, or is a citizen of, that country


    Australians living and working overseas, for work or family or other reasons, who apply for the citizenship of the country in which they are living


    permanent residents of Australia who apply for Australian citizenship and are citizens of countries which allow dual citizenship.

  2. I believe you'd gain duel citizenship.

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