
I am a Scorpio?

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What is my match? I've dated a lot of signs..........Libra, Gemini, Cancer. I want to find that one match.




  1. Taurus, Cancer, Pisces and Capricorn.

  2. Not Taurus's it would most likely end up in a death match

  3. well to find your perfect match you should know your ascendent sign and moon sign. Go to and find out all your signs in the chart anaylsis.

  4. I'm a Scorpio and I'm with a Pisces. Our relationship is pretty good.

  5. Other water signs - Cancer is probably the "best" but I think Pisces is the third.

  6. I'm a Scorpio too and our best matches are other water signs: Cancer and Pisces. We also supposed to get along very well with Taurus, our opposites. But it is important to look at other placements in both of your charts to determine if you two would be compatible or not

  7. Water signs are said to be our best match. (cancer, pisces, or another scorpio), but other signs in your chart also influence compatibility. For instance, My moon is in taurus and I have a lot of Capricorn in me. I'm usually very compatible with other scorps, cappies and taurus. Cancers don't blend well with me. I can manipulate them too much. I need some other kind of challenge. Plus with Libra Rising in me, cancer is not a good match. So check out your natal chart and see where you have other signs in you. That will help you pick out someone who best suits you. ;-)

  8. Taurus

  9. actually each sign has 4 perfect matches. they are as perfect as perfect gets and all 4 are equally as best of a match as each other. you can date one of your perfect matches and not have them be THE ONE for you, but we all have different places in our houses and each personality is a blend of planetary influences, family and friend influences and life experience.

    the 4 BEST matches for scorpio are: cancer, capricorn, pisces, and virgo.

    the basic rule of thumb is that all water and earth signs are good together, but the excpetion is for same sign to same sign like scorpio to scorpio and also star crossed signs with each other. scorpio to taurus has a high probability of either ignoring each other and going their seperate ways or ending in serious disaster. taurus to scorpio is a fatal attraction and usually ends really badly in all relationships including friends and family and neighbors.

    pisces and cancer are water signs just like you. together with them you will have an unspoken bond, a deep understanding and an easy flowing relationship.

    virgo and capricorn are earth signs. opposites attract in this case and the attraction will be strong but not always so obvious. for example you might find yourself talking to earth signs more often than any other sign but won't realize it. the attraction is strong here and things never get boring or dull down. the differences between you will work together and be simbiotic for you both.

    scorpio is fixed. they are unchanging and very stubborn. they give their opinions and others need to accept them or get lost. scorpio will defend to the end and has a strong sense of who they are and don't change for anyone or any reason. scorpio doesnt work with other fixed signs like scorpio, taurus, leo or aquarius because they are all stubborn and will fight for what they believe in.

    virgo and pisces are mutable signs. they will bend and sway to the tune of scorpio and will do anything to make them happy. they will self sacrafice and not even count the cost just to keep the relatioship going on.

    cancer and capricorn cardinal signs. scorpio can be too set in their ways to initiate things and get them moving but these two signs will make up for that and more. the cardinal signs are intitiative as they come and are natural born leaders. they start things and scorpio continues them on forever. these two signs are somewhere between the fixed and the mutable signs as they can be extremely stubborn at times or they can be so flexible in nature at other times. it all depends on which battles they pick and choose.

  10. I'm a scoripo too.and I was with a cancer and didn't work out.And I'm with alibra.
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