
I am a Senoir in high school and my gpa has dropped and my act score is low. where should i apply to get in? ?

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I have a 2.7 in school.

I got an 18 on the ACTs.

But I am going to try for all a's and b's this year

I am very involved in summer academic programs and other extra curricular activities

will i be forced to go to a community college??




  1. Most public universities don't look at your senior year, so even if you do well, it won't make much of a difference. Apply to California State Universities if you're in California...or even if you're not. They're pretty easy to get into if you're a resident. If you don't get in anywhere, community college is a great choice. It'll save you thousands of dollars and make the transition from high school to college a lot easier. You'll have smaller classes and more helpful professors. Apply to a lot of schools, see what you get into, and if you're still not satisfied, a junior college is an intelligent choice. And you can still go away to school if you go to a community college. You don't have to stay in town, but doing so would save you even more money. There are jc's everywhere. Good luck!

  2. There are actually plenty of colleges that would accept you. You can chose to go to community college, or if you'd rather, you could apply to one of the four year colleges that would fit your GPA and ACT score.

    Your extra curriculars and the summer academic programs are certainly also going to help. And if you do bring your grades up a bit this year, that's not a bad thing, but really, it's what you've done so far that's going to be what they admit you based on. Because of that, your focus this year is to make sure your grades do not go down. If they go up, all the better, but they must not go down.

    You can use college searches like the one on Princeton Review's website to plug in your GPA, SATs, the regions you want to go to school in, etc., and it'll come back with a list of schools that might fit you. But just off the top of my head, just in my region, I think you might get into: Regis College, Suffolk University, Lesley College, Curry College, Dean College, Mercy College, Dominican College, Salem State College, Five Towns College, the College of Westchester, Newbury College, Mount Ida, Lasell College, Georgian Court, Bay Path College, Pine Manor College, Wheelock College, Colby-Sawyer, Franklin Pierce, and lots of others. I'm sure there are some near you as well.

    You *will* get into a college. You just need to target those that are a fit for you.

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