
I am a Sri Lankan. I want to enter to an University or Medical College in UK or USA.I need money for that.Help

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Now I am studying in an University in Sri Lanka. I am in the Faculty of Medicine. Actually I have a one goal in my life. It is to become a great scientist and a Medical Professor. I hope to use my knowledge to make a better life condition to all human beings. I have knowledge about so many fields not only about Medicine and Science but Arts and Commerce also. I hope to share my knowledge to create a better future without diseases to all human beings. But I have one problem. Sri Lanka is a third world country. So it is very difficult to win my target easily by being here. There are no qualified lectures and facilities to succeed researches. That is why I want to enter to an University or Medical College in USA or UK to reach my goal soon. But I have no enough money to enter to a foreign University. So I kindly request if you have an ability to help me by offering financial aids please help me I am waiting for your reply.

Thankyou !




  1. i dont know about the UK but i live in USA..New York City to be specific

    and there is a group of really good colleges Called CUNY(city Universitys of New York) and the are free to get in. You only need to fill out an application which costs about i think 70 american dollars.

    They also pay some of your expenses by sending you money.

    I think it is every month you will get money to pay a room and  transportation.

    The website you can apply is

  2. So what are you actually looking for? The funds needed to leave your country and enter another or the funds for your whole course??? Either way i'm sorry but i cant see you having much success. I couldn't afford to put myself through college let alone anyone else.

  3. no

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