
I am a Tricker - and i can backflip, but i can't spin during them anymore than a 540' how do i spin more?

by  |  earlier

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Yep u heard it, i need help in spinning during my backflips

Because I'm street style (self taught) I don't have the proper gym technique but I don't really wanna learn it!

So is there a way that i can spin more but still keep my street style-ness?





  1. I love when guys jump or do backflips. It gives me a chance to nail them in the middle of the air. lol


  2. No. This is not possible.

  3. all you need to do is twist your shoulders while your in the air.

    throw your shoulders, arms, and look in the direction you want to spin when your close to being upside down. twist HARD! you should be comfortable with doing a layout for this to work. keep your body straight so theres less air resistance, and also work on getting more airtime, throw your arms up high and hard to set for your backtuck.

    I am also a tricker, but I take karate too so I guess Im a little self taught but Ive had some help along the way with all my trickster friends.

    and yeah it is possible! look at some gymnastics people doing fulls and double fulls on youtube. a double full is equal to a 720 degree rotation.

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