
I am a Tupperware Demonstrator in Melbourne, Australia and need some advice on getting more parties?

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  1. Make up some flyers to post up on bulletin boards.  A lot of public places here in the US like libraries, schools, etc have "community bulletin boards" where folks can pin up flyers and business cards.

    Have a normal garage sale and set up a small demo table with tupperware goods and try to make some sales that way as well.

  2. The trick to being a successful "Home Party Demonstrator" is not in advertising but by coaching your hostesses better, personalizing your presentations, and by providing excellent services to your hostesses.

    I was a successful part-time "Demonstrator" for 6 years

    (while holding a full time job as well).

    I demonstrated "Christmas Around the World" in the US.

    To BROADEN your base (get more parties):

    The first thing you need to do is to build a base of hostesses.

    This should be done by YOU setting dates with at least 6 (preferably 10) hostesses.

    These first hostesses should NOT be friends or associated with each other. This way you won't see the same group of guests at each party..(one can only buy so much obligatory Tupperware....(IE "I'll buy 'this' from Sally's party & 'That' from Jane's party, but I won't buy anything else because i will get free product from my own party")And you will 'stretch' the circle of hostesses.

    You want a diverse group at each party as well. You want to coach your hostesses to invite people from different aspects of life, that don't all know one another. And you want to book at least 3 parties from each of those parties, to keep stretching the circle OUTWARD, instead of seeing the same group of friends at each party.

    You need to coach each of your hostesses to invite EVERYBODY that they Know...

    I once instructed a hostess to invite 50 people to her small home. She protested that she didn't have room for 50 guests!

    I assured her that all 50 people won't show up, but she should also ask each of them  to bring a friend. She thought I was NUTS! As it turned out...about 30 people attended, it was crowded, but it was a FUN RIOT !

    Those that did not attend, also placed orders anyway.

    And I got 5 more 'bookings'  from that party, ...people were actually fighting over my planner to get 'dates' for their parties.

    The party was a huge success, there was over $5000 in orders!

    When you coach a hostess well AND make the party FUN, others will want to "book" with you.

    I always brought MANY small gifts to reward the guests for various games & activities.

    These don't have to be "Tupperware" related.

    Even in the heat of July, I got a hostess to put up her Christmas tree & 'stockings'.  I brought stockings & stuffers to reward guests. That was another $5000 party!

    Rewarding guests, coaching hostesses, making the party FUN, and stretching the circle of hostesses... will make you VERY successful "Party Girl"

    (And get you a BROAD base of hostesses who will want to 'book' with you again next year)

  3. You need to offer great incentives and gifts for the host.

    Place booklets and info on doorsteps or in their mailbox in certain neighbourhoods.

    Once you have canvassed the areas, you can then follow up with phone calls.

    It takes hard work and persistence.

    Good luck !

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