
I am a United States Marine and im really throughing up the idea of re-enlisting what else are my options?

by Guest32448  |  earlier

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i only have a high school diploma and have gonna to several speciality schools due to my mos




  1. just go home and be with your family theres no need to go back to any war zone you had your turn and you lived so stay alive as long as you can at home trouble may come and youll be more usefull to your comunity

  2. if you go to college than you could go to a federal job like the CIA of FBI.  I am friends with the former assistant director of the DSS and he tells me that the DSS loves recruiting former marines, esp. since they work with them a lot at US embassies.  i also have a friend whose brother didnt reenlist, felt miserable and decided to reenlist after a few months.  as cheap as it sounds write a pro/cons list to help.  

  3. Well there is No Work out here..unless you have a Trade/Avionics etc...

    Make sure you pick up at least one stripe...WO School or OCS and

    an Advanced School of your Trade...MOS

    And a super Large Reenlistment Bonus paid overseas so there is No Taxes on it...Bank it and don't spend it...

    You don't need a New Car or Motorcycle...

    Enroll in the local college and go for a Degree...

    You should have it by the time your reenlistment is up...

  4. First,see if they want you back,then get an mos that has a chance for promotions,the more rank you can make early in your careerthe better,its also good to have a skill thats needed in civilian life.

  5. DONT DO IT. Every war that the US has been in has been set up by the government and the corupt Federal Reserve along with the CIA and FBI. ALL for MONEY. The beginning of world war 2, Roosevelt had warning from Australia that the Japanese had a fleet headed toward Hawii. He did NOTHING because he porposely stopped all trade and did other things to p**s them off so they WOULD attach us. When he told the ppl we were nuetrual. Wars make money for big bankers in turn they pay off government officials. Same with Vietnam, we were never suposed to win, just sustane it. A classified document was just released that there were things we werent aloud to do, like bomb there artilury untill it was FULLY operational, Like what the h**l is that? And we couldnt persue them across certain lines, just a bunch of bull stuff. And now we are fighting a war that can never be won. Thats what they have always wanted.   watch part 3 of this movie, it explains it all. It will change your life.  My nephew was gonna inlist, but changed his mind after watching this...

  6. I got out thinking I would be an aviation pro and was told to go to school for 4 years to learn everything i already knew! Just get your 20 in dude.

  7. I am a new veteran. I had a little trouble at first finding a job, but now I am working at a hospital doing fine. (I was a Navy Corpsman).

    Before you decide to get out do some job searches and see if you are qualified for anything. See what the market is looking for. Maybe you can try to get any certifications while you are still in.

    When I was in Camp Jejune we had Marines going through EMT school with us. Actually the some of the Marines did better than the Corpsmen. The Marines studied while the Corpsmen thought they already knew it. If there is a Navy Hospital see if they have any openings for EMT school. Sometimes they let you guys in the classes.

    Try other educational options before you go, depending on how long you have.

    I don't know how much time you already have in. Maybe you might want to try one more tour. Only re-up for two or three years. Take some courses and see if that is what you still want.

    It is hard out here. I am making less than half of what I made in the Navy. Tough, there are jobs out here that pay better, it is a matter of finding one. Be willing to look and wait until you find it.

    I'm not going to tell you what to do. I think you know deep inside what you want. There are good reasons to stay...there are good reasons to move on. Make a list and weigh your options.

    Good luck

  8. Police officer is a good way to go. I know a guy that joined the police force in the neighboring county from where i live, after his 4 years active. You could go to college with the money they provided you. The speciality schools look good on a resume but i would recomend some college it is basically a requirment now a days. You could always reenlist it is a descion only you can make.  

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