
I am a absolute straight man..I am tortured by a g*y person..Plz help.?

by  |  earlier

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In my office, there seems to be a g*y person who constantly keeps staring at me.. I have not spoken to him before but he seems to be interested in me. I am d**n sure about it because once I was going in a very crowded elevator. That guy was standing behind me. He was rubbing my back with his hand. I gave an angry look at him..He just giggled and left the elevator. Daily he is looking at me for no purpose without any shame. What shall I do? Usually I respect homosexuality and believe that they should be give equal rights as straight people. But on seeing this g*y, I regret for having thought like that. I want to get rid of him. There are few departments in my office wherein I can complain about sexual harassment bu that could lead to him getting fired. I thought of taking him to a separate place and warn him. But he is a s*x freak and I am really scared to speak to him. PLease suggest what I need to do




  1. it doesnt matter what your s*x or sexuality is, it is not ok to sexually harrass someone at work. i would say to him clearly that you would like him to leave you alone because he is making you uncomfortable. Dont use derogatory language or cause a scene just say it calmly and clearly, preferably in front of a witness. then if he continues, take it up with managment.

    Please dont tar all homosexuals with the same brush. Many straight men do this to women in the workplace and that doesnt make every straight man an a...hole.

  2. I am so sorry you are being harrassed in this way ... no-one - straight,g*y, bi, trans has the right to intimidate anothe person in this way..... I understand your concerns about making an actual complaint - but you really do have to take a firmer stance on this situation if you want to change it .... being afraid of him getting fired and so doing nothing definite will not change anything ... it could even set you up for something worse at a later time - and you will be accused of actually encouraging it because you said nothing sooner .... the fact that this man has already laid hands on you (albeit a so called 'laugh' in the elevator) is just the start .... translate his actions into doing the same thing to a girl ... would you tell her not to complain?  No, I don't think so..... So I think you need to take a firm stand with him ... perhaps speak to your manager and ask him if you, he and this guy can sit down in a separate room so that you can make your objections clear to him .... it will also tell him you're not afraid to take action if you have to .... because he's trading on the fact you haven't complained so far - he might even think you are interested in him because you haven't complained so far .... no, you really must be strong about this - no-one has the right to interfere with you in any way unless they have your permission .... this man does not .....

  3. It sounds like you need to either confront this person or report him.

    If he's actually touched you, as you say he has, then you have every right to report him to human resources or whatever department handles such cases.

    People shouldn't be allowed to get away with such things in a professional environment.  Any environment, actually, unless both parties are consenting.

  4. you have rights too you need to speak up about it to your boss or human resources don't take any c**p from any g**s that are harassing you  

  5. Like you said he is a s*x freak

    That means you must be very hot (sorry for tat)

    Just talk to him and tell him that you dont likw what he is doing.

  6. i hardly call that torture but try talkin to him n tell him to back off...if he still pisses you off then go for the sexual harassment....

  7. Get some confidence and talk to him. Look him straight in the eye and say "No, I'm straight, and if you don't stop this, I'm calling harassment offices. And if he continues, then report him. Better than having him harass you.

  8. I am all about respecting personal space, regardless of who it is or their sexuality. The moment someone, esp. someone I've never even spoken to, touched me (i.e rubbing my back). I would have reported it.

    You have every right to protect you personal rights.

    However, I do think you are going a bit far to say you regret thinking g*y people should have equal rights just because of one guy. That is wrong on several levels. First, that implies that you would be ok with being harrassed, so long as it was a woman. You are also condemning the actions of an entire group of people based on the actions of one person.

    Also, you should have stopped the whole thing the moment he started touching you. By not saying anything, you have been giving a silent ok, which will only provoke him until you tell him you aren't interested. Why are you scared to speak to him? Just tell him you are straight and you will have to complain to the higher ups if he doesn't respect your personal space.

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