
I am a beginner and want to know do i need motorcycle boots?

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I am a beginner and want to know do i need motorcycle boots?




  1. Boots are good for traction and your bike and if you ever happen to crash their much better then sneakers.

  2. of course!

  3. Unless you feel like having surgery after your bike mangles and crushes every bone in your ankle, then you don't.  Besides, surgery like that is painless!  If you're riding motocross, you want, you need them.  If you're a beginner, you will be's all a part of learning.  And besides, if you're not crashing, you're not racing!  I don't know anyone who hasn't broken a bone, or two, or 40...this is just one key piece of protective gear that will help not break something.  Even if it's a cheap pair, they'll help. Not to mention, they save your right calf/angle from being burned by the pipe...your choice my friend.

  4. You should have some kinda of over the ankle boot when you ride, even if it isn't a "motorcycle boot"

    Even a good workboot will work for normal riding.

    If you're racing or doing motorcross/offroading you will want something made specifically for riding.  Usually, those boots will have really stiff ankle support and even shields over the bones.

  5. It is a good idea to wear them but you dont have to and it also dipends on what tipe of riding you are doing

  6. ya most likely you will burn your inside calves on the motor and it hurts like crazy!!!!! the boots that i recommend are Fox boots cuz they are most comfortable!!

  7. When we were teenagers my bruv. bought himself a new RD LC 250 - and new boots and jacket to go with it (well, he was excited to be getting on a brand new bike after a couple of years on 2nd hand runabouts!)

    He looked the cats pyjama's in them and on his shiny new bike!

    Unfortunately he was "just popping round" his mates house (wearing jeans and trainers) when some dozy cow decided to turn right without indicating.

    He could have swerved up on to the pavement to avoid the car - but there were kids walking there so instead he tried to squeeze through the gap. His right leg and ankle kicked out the rear quarter of this idiots car - I mean it completely caved it in.

    When he got to hospital they had no trouble cutting his trainer off as it was so soggy with blood and after a couple of hours in surgery - where they "Barry Sheened" him up with metal pins to put his shattered lower leg back together, they put him in traction for two weeks - before letting him come home in a cast.

    On the bright side he did make a good friend whilst in hospital for so long (another biker in traction!) and his boots still looked lovely and shiny (unlike his jacket and helmet which were a bit scuffed from doing their job)

    On the flip side he was off work for 4 months, the insurance company said it was his word against the drivers - so didn't pay out - and he sold the bike for spares and repairs.

    Plus he couldn't get his knackered ankle into his new boots.

    You need to make your own decisions, and I hope telling you this will help you make an informed decision.

  8. Very strange answer from Big C there.

    At your local bike clothing retailer they will have trained staff who can advise on what type of footwear is best for what type of bike on what different type of grounds.

    The difference between a road racing / MX / trail & say paddock footwear, is a world of difference.

    I ran a clothing & acc shop for 5 years ago, I've seen the results  of badly advised footwear from crashes. Its not a pretty sight.

    Your local shop should have the staff to advise you, if they dont go to another shop and give them the bussiness.

    Hope this helps, Dude.

    Feel free to email me if you have no joy from your local shops.

  9. You only need boots if you value for feet and ankles. If you don't then sandles would do just fine.

    Seriously, you don't necessarly need motorcycle boots, it is a good idea though but you at least need sturdy footwear that covers your ankles.

    When you fall your legs flail around and it is likely that your feet are going to hit something maybe even hard enough to shatter your heel or ankle.


    Good Luck,


  10. What kind of bike do you have? is it a dirt bike or street? if you have a dirt bike always wear protection specially boots and a helmet, buy  FOX they are awesome boots specially around the foot area for shifting, hope it helps.

  11. Just to ride, good boots are necessary, but not the ones labeled "Motorcycle".  Unless you want the image as well.

  12. no, but its a very good Idea to have some! you dont have to go buy the 3-4- and 500 dollar pair but I nice strong pair of work boot might be a good Idea. :)

    good luck!

  13. Nah, you can walk on the stumps left over when your bike crushes your ankles into a pulp.

    My bike fell on my foot once when I was learning, and without boots I'm sure that the 400+lbs would have broken my foot.  With boots, it was just a minor inconvenience to get my foot out from under it.

    Like all gear, it's up to you to wear what you want, but don't whine when you crash and you're not protected.

  14. YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when i had just started to ride i was going around my house, and for no aparent reason, the chain sucked my foot in, and it hurt soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad!!

    i was wearing converse.

    my friend was riding and he fell and the clutch went right through his foot, Yep, all the way through!!

    so get them, and spend good money on them, he was wearing cheapy ones! but with my boots that i have now, they cost about $400 and there aint' nothing getting through that boot,

  15. good boots are a must

  16. Not only do you need motorcycle boots, but a leather jacket, leather pants, a good set of gloves and a full face helmet. This is the best protection you can ger. In most states, helmets are required. You also might want to join the American Motorcyclist Association as well.

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