
I am a beginner at golf and after the range my right pinky tip of my finger became numb. What happened?

by  |  earlier

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Its been about a week and it still feels totally numb. I'm getting nervous now that its been this long. I will see a doc soon but I wanted to see if this has happened to anyone else before.




  1. It more than likely has to do with your grip!!! Which is most beginners problem....A golf club is not meant to be gripped tight like a baseball bat. Try loosening your grip some, imagine your holding your "you know what", you dont want to squeeze that very tight because it will hurt, so dont squeeze your club too tight because it will also hurt!!! lol

  2. Sounds like you werent hitting flush, that can cause your hands to hurt, but a week??? you need to see someone.

  3. Sounds like you squeezed the club too tight, and cut off the circulation to your finger.  Has it turned blue or black yet?  If it is still numb in another week it might fall off.

  4. i have had parts of my body like my knees and fingers and stuff go numb for months at a time it never affected me but it depends how you are holding it cause i interlock my left hand index finger with my right hand pinky and when i first started that type of grip it felt like it was about to break my pinky but you might have meesed up a nerve while swinging or gripped it really tight but that would cut circulation off and it should have came back to feeling again by now so im guessing you have some sort of nerve damage it wouldnt hut to get it checked out but it should come back somethime.

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