
I am a beginner vegetarian who is slowly trying to get to the vegan stage. i have a few questions.?

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can someone give me some advice on snack ideas? My daughter and I are trying this after watching a movie called Diet for a new America. we are sticking to the rules..'If it has a face or a mother. dont eat it" or...."If you cant pronounce it, dont eat it" So we have been eating lots of fruit for breakfast, and whole wheat pita with hummas and veggies for lunch and ww pasta or rice and veggies for dinner. we are having a problem weaning off of cheese cause soy cheese just dont taste the same. These three meals are getting boring and Im to broke to try some of these veg recipies online. Any advice or ideas out there in animal lover land?




  1. morning star and boca make ground beef replacement (soy)

    its really good. you can use it in any recipe that calls for beef. I use it to make spaghetti, tacos, enchiladas. I agree the soy cheese is a little rough. you might try mixing it 50/50 with real cheese, then gradually increase or buy your cheese from a really good dairy that treats their cattle humanely and organic of course. boca and morning star have a full vegan line. check out the website, lots of great ideas and where to shop guide. Good luck.

  2. Why don't you want to eat cheese? It's not like they kill cows to make it like they do meat...

  3. WOW!  what a great MOM!  good for you!  for breakfast - maybe add oatmeal,some nuts-unless you are allergic of course - tofu can be used in so many diff. ways cuz it takes on what ever flavor you throw at it - you can crimble it up & throw in a few veggies - wha-la! stir fry!  am a Mom and veggie for more than 30 yrs now, haha even wrote a ECO-Friendly cookbook - i had 4 boys - they NEEDED to know how to cook their fav foods-all are grown & still veggies & have one veggie grandson so far.  beans and grains combined make a complete protein - dry beans and rice & other grains are very cost effective.  try to find cheese that is renetless - (no calves guts) - Tillamook has renetless cheeses - although you may need to read label.  veggie Tacos, a bit of cheese, avo, salsa, maybe sprouts, corn tort-also no so expensive - burritos - if you would like recipes please write to my yahoo email - - since the print on the Y&A sponsoped email is SO small for me - i cannot see it-well maybe a little.  i offer my recipes cause you mention being some what econimically challenged - raising 4 boys & two girls was a huge bit of econimizing, so the cookbook reflects that.  i would love to share & help -  *" Each person who becomes a veggie saves one acre of trees per year they stay veggie."  hope this helps  :)  a veggie Mom too.

  4. simply put.. try to stay away from any processed food even vegan.

    you'd be surprised what they put into processed vegan foods..   most aren't vegan to begin with.

    how about eat raw and steamed fresh produce,  from your produce section at your local grocer or fruit and veggie stand.

    you have to be VERY careful.

    read labels...  if there's anything that doesn't sound like food,  put it down.   also....  whatever you buy that's processed or packaged...    check what's on the labels,  keyword search the ingredients in  and find out what's been put into your vegan food.

    and remember...   over 80%  of packaged so called vegan products aren't...     so you use your sense,  your internet and study everything slowly and calmly.

    and the smaller the labels, ingredient lists, the better.

    and stick with fresh... fruits and veggies.. nuts...  beans.

    if you have to get processed anything..   learn the labels..  

    this takes time but the patience is well worth the learning experience.

  5. tofu.

    french fries.

    pita bread with olive oil, tomatoes, and black olives.

    salad with italian or french dressing. you can add rasains and all that.


    frosted mini wheats.

    all of these are 100% vegan. Just go to they have TONS and TONS of super cheap stuff you can make. and menus of things you can order at fast food places like Burger King. Or even sit down restaraunts like Ruby Tuesday.

  6. French fries, !!! guacamole ,  chips, all fruits and vegetables good luck i respect you

    please answer mine its so important to me;...

  7. Make Sure You Eat Protien You Can Find It In Beans And Tufu. Lay Off The Fattning Choices Too, They Will Make You Gain Weight. If You Want Chips Try Veggie Chips, The Taste Exactly Like A Chip But There Made From Veggies! Or You Can Have Fruit, Just Make Sure You Stay Healthy! [:

    Hope I Helped!

  8. Squash casserole.Fake cheese works with squash

  9. I am a vegetarian too.

    But being vegan isn't the way to go.

    Milk and eggs and cheese are good for you and it doesn't hurt the animal.

    It actually helps them.

    Cause if you don't milk the cow the utters "explode"

    Cheese comes from milk and eggs are just what chickens p**p out cause if they don't then what the heck are they for right?

    So I suggest vegetarianism.

  10. Go to the library and get some books.

    The American Vegetarian Cookbook From the Fit For Life Kitchen is a really great book.  Worth buying.  Libraries are a great place to find recipes and idea.  John Robbins, author of Diet For A New America also has many books that also have recipes in there too.

  11. Well, I'm vegan, and a dish that i LOVE and made up myself.

    (I'm sure there are similar dishes.. i just made this one as a experimental thing & from scratch)

    Is sweet patatoe fries made in the oven with olive oil and spices with fried mushrooms and a small garden veg salad

    & a slice or rye bread w/ a glass of soy milk.

    Im not sure if this is the healthiest thing or not, but it tastes amazing.. lol

    split pea curry on rice with stir fry is awesome! YUMM!

    there are soo many things.. try seearching online for simple vegan recipes..

    hope it helps..

    also, just experiment with ingredients!

    its fun and you usually turn out with something delicious.

  12. Well, I've been a vegetarian for about 14 years now, and all my Dr. checkups come back completely healthy with all my blood cell counts and all perfect.  It it has a parent don't eat it, yes, but eating cheese isn't eating the animal.  Horizon brand makes so call "vegetarian" cheese, which is real cheese only it's cured with micro antibotical enzymes, rather than animal intestines.  This works for me, and it tastes better than any natural cheese.  Make sure you eat protein.  Soy protein is very good for your heart and in my opinion, the Boca brand tastes great.  The burgers, the ground burger (I use this for mexican meals!), the chicken, they are all wonderful if you prepare the same way you would with real meat, such as put everything on your boca burger that you would have put on a hamburger.  Healthy eating!

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