
I am a beginning raw foodist...

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I want to become a raw foodist but I don't know where to begin. And I don't have any fancy health food markets by my house, or a lot of money to buy all that fancy schmancey foods. All i have is a super walmart, giant eagle, shop N save, and save alots...( i live in PA) I really really want to do this to get healthy, lose weight and I am just sick of processed foods and meat in general. SO IS THIS POSSIBLE FOR ME TO DO W/O HEALTH FOOD STORES AND ALL THOSE FANCY INGREDIANTS AND FOODS?? I just need the basics. I already ordered 4 books off amazon to research this lifestyle further. I just want to kno if there is/has been anyone in my situation that is a begginner. & if they tried this lifestyle and was succesful. Also can anyone pleeease give me advice and recipes & good websites!! Any helpful advice would be great!!!!! thanks




  1. Why don't you just stop eating processed food and meat then?

    Sooo, eat beans, nuts, seeds, rice, vegetables and fruit.  Also, try all natural whole wheat breads and pastas too.  Much easier!!

  2. I am a vegan who eats a lot of raw foods.   I would HIGHLY suggest investing in a dehydrator.  You can get a Ronco one for like 50 bucks or less at most stores (like target or kmart) and you can make your own dried fruits and other types of raw recipes, like certain cookies and bars using it.  The food never gets heated past 100-ish degrees and is still considered raw.  Good luck to you and your upcoming bout of diarrhea.  That may have been harsh, but it was more of a friendly warning, haha.  I would suggest buying the Un cook book.  The whole point of going raw is eating a lot of whole foods, so it is actually not about fancy ingredients, at least not at first  That might intimidate you.  I would buy raw almonds while they are still on the market (they are supposed to stop selling them soon).  Good luck!!  

  3. Go to and you'll learn all sorts of stuff there.

  4. There's a fantastic website forum called - You'll find a plethora of information there. Congratulations on joining the raw movement, and GOOD LUCK!  

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