
I am a bit dyslexic when it comes to the words where and were.?

by  |  earlier

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I don't mean to make light of dyslexia, I realise it causes real problems for a lot of people. However, does anyone have any tips on remembering when to use 'WERE' and when to use 'WHERE' please?




  1. I do the same thing as teachermom. If you take the W off of WHERE, you are left with here. The other one is just WERE.

    Hope it helps!

  2. use were after , we , you , they .

  3. Here is a trick I teach my students-

    If you take the "W" off of where, you have here. So if you are asking where something is, take off the "W" and you will have here-as in "here it is."

    This helps my students remember which word to use. Hope it helps you!

  4. we're means        "we are"

    were means        "used to be"

    where means      "what place"

    I hope this helps you.

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