
I am a bit worried- I just took twwwo oxycodones by accident after taking 15 MG VICODIN?

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I do have legit scrips for these but when I took the oxys, I thought they were Valium. I stupidly put a few Oxys in the Valium bottle to save space- dumb, dumb, dumb, and then it was dark when I dumped a couple of pills in my hand, thinking they were Valiums. I do have a very high tolerance and I don't feel weird- not much pain now, which is nice, but can they cause some weird reaction?




  1. When combining these medications together your biggest risk is respitory depression (which can be life-threatening) which basically means there is a decreased ability for your body to have an even gas exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide, resulting in an increase of carbon dioxide in the body. Symptoms you and your husband to look out for are shortness of breath, mental confusion, lethargy (being sluggish). If exhibiting these symptoms head to the ER as worse case scenario there is risk for seizures.

  2. eat some food and drink about a litre of water. if your not feeling to crash hot or you vomit call a poisons centre right away.

  3. Oxycodone and Hydrocodone (Vicodin) can be dangerous if taken in large doses.  I highly recommend that you call a Poison Control Center and ask for their recommendation.

  4. get to the ER. or at least call to ask them what you should do.

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