
I am a british citizen can i work in the US?

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my family has a buisness (shop) do i need to get a permit is it easier to do it while in the US or apply before i go?




  1. why would you want to the US has demanding jobs for very little pay.

  2. not if you have no work permit given from the US first,

    ask for a US work permit trough your family , and then you may get a work visa .

    tell your family to read this , because they will have to qualify to hire you , with the USCIS first ,

    if you need more help ? do come back , i will check back with your question later or tomorow ,more than likely tomorow , late in Europe now

    another link to read for employers :

  3. yeah....get a permit but doubt u will get it as it is a family business

  4. h**l yeah.

  5. Definitely get the work permit. If your parents aren't citizens of the US you could cause them big problems.

  6. get a permit. It wil make life easier!

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