
I am a british...?

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citizen. i am thinking about going to cuba on holiday, which i know i can do as a brit. my partner and i are thinking about moving to the states (a few years into the future), and i was wondering whether the fact we had visited cuba would have any bearing on our being able to visit/live in the US? thanks :)




  1. COME TO FLORIDA WE CAN you are moving here id do it asap..i hear its getting more difficult by the day...but hey if you want you could come here cuban style..on a duct aped raft lol....or not.

  2. well., it depends on what state you want to live in.

  3. No, not in this day & age, go for it, & enjoy.

  4. Getting a visa to live/work in US is pretty difficult.  Anything that can give a reason to refuse the visa will be looked at carefully.  You are likely to have to provide your passport as part of the visa process - so they would see the stamps that show you have been to Cuba.

    If you're serious about moving to US soon, then I wouldn't risk it.  My husband is hoping for a temporary work visa for US this winter, and has been warned by the company not to travel anywhere that could be seen by the US authorities as "inappropriate"

  5. No, visiting Cuba has nothing to do with moving to the states.

  6. No, it won't change you being able to visit or live there. I went to cuba and have been to USA loads of times after on the same passport (i'm British) and I don't think they can hold going to Cuba on holiday against you if you want to live there cause you didn't go there while living in America and are therefore not breaking their law. MAke sure you don't go to cuba while liveing in america cause you can get fined $10,000 if you get caught

  7. Not sure but you are better off skipping Cuba, anyway.

  8. Yer you're British, going to Cuba shouldn't affect anything too much, so don't worry, =]

  9. No.Plenty of Yanks holiday on Cuba.

  10. I'm not 100% sure. Sorry!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

  11. It should not make any difference. What may cause problems is any criminal conviction that is on record in the uk but if you are clean no worries.

  12. cuba? as long as you're not trying to sneek in cubans, i think you'll be alright. i dislike cuban platano fritos, try them central american style, much better. though i don't know if they'd have them there like that.

  13. you will be OK as you have a British passport

  14. Cute pic. You like nice....

  15. i doubt it i dont even know how they would find this out unless you told them

  16. NO It wouldnt

  17. yes, you are british, and according to your avatar you're also pretty hot

  18. Traveling to cuba would not make a difference if you were thinking of moving to america thought it depends on where you visited like if you were handcuffed and behind bars lol but i wouldn't worry alot about it i've travelled to alot of place's and have never heard of a country refusing you migration rites based on where you've visited, the fact that your british should have no bearing on your move either. So go and enjoy your life over there.

    hope i was some help.
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