
I am a childcare provider and I just got a new child who has speech problems.?

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She cannot pronounce words such as cat, dog, stop, and car. Her mother said that she had ear infections alot as a baby, and ear tubes were placed in her ears at 12 months. She does not play with the 22 month old or the 34 month old in the daycare, and they are well advance putting together full sentences and going potty on their own. She is 29 months oldnow, she is not potty trained nor trying. I think she thinks it is wrong to potty in the pot because she waits till she gets off to go. I have given her treats and cheered when she did potty, but that was after sitting for about 30 minutes. Is this normal, and what can I do to help?




  1. Being in a classroom, sometimes the children will correct themselves simply by listening to others. However, if it's severe enough & you feel she needs therapy, you can refer parents to FDLRS (if in florida). Children, not of school age, can be tested and possibly placed with a therapist. If not in florida, there maybe a similar service where you are.

  2. Is she autistic?  Maybe her parents need to investigate a little further.

  3. This sounds like she is having trouble with auditory processing and is going to need speech therapy. She may not be sure what is being said to her and therefore is in her own little world. She's really thinking she's saying things the proper way because she hasn't truly been taught. This is common when children have tubes in their ears due to multiple ear infections. When she does mispronounce words, correct her and make her repeat you the proper way.

    Any speech help is better than none.

    The potty thing is probably a matter of consistency and what goes on when she's at home.  If mom and dad do not make her sit on the potty, then she's going to continue going in her diapers/pull-ups.  I would make her sit until she goes and continue to praise her as you have been doing when she does.  She'll get tired of sitting while she's watching the other children playing and having fun (maybe).

    Good luck to you!

  4. You may want exaggerate words and have her watch how you move your mouth to say words.  Don't make it obvious, but do it naturally or as a game.  You could also use sign language and pictures.  All kids benefit from visual and sensory information.

  5. This is hard. I think maybe the parents need to have her evaluated. If they can get help for her then they could give you the information too. She might need some special help. You are a caring childcare teacher.

  6. About the potty training...she's still just 29 months...a lot of experts say don't worry about it until 3 years...a couple months ago my son was doing the same thing....if I put him on the potty for 10 minutes with a 5 minute break he'd go during the break.  So we just let off for a few weeks, and tried again and this time he's got it!  I don't know that there's really any difference it what we're doing, I think he's just ready now.  Jelly beans for dry pants helped, but I know not everyone agrees with that and I really don't think that's the I say, I didn't really do much different, it just clicked with him.   (he's 35 months and super smart in every other way) As far as the speech, I think you should mainly encourage every effort she makes to communicate. Always stop and listen and maybe ask once if you don't get it but not so much as to make her self conscious.  You know, say "oh really wow!' and give her a hug if you don't understand.  Also, singing songs and rhyming books are great for helping those with speech problems hear the difference in sounds.  If you're in the US she should be eligible for First Steps...a program for kids with disabilities from ages birth-3.  You could ask mom if she's been evaluated and if so are there any suggestions they have for you? because they will provide speech services and might be able to give you some specific activities to do to help her.

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