
I am a co-signer for a house how do i remove my name off of the house??

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my step father is way behind on the payments im in the military so i don't live there or in the area where the house is in. its messing up my credit really bad what should i do or what can i do to get my credit back and remove my name off of his house




  1. He has to refinance in his own name or with some other co-signer.  Sound like he won't be able to do it since he couldn't do it the first time though.

    Sorry.  Don't ever co-sign for anybody again.  The reason the bank wants a co-signer in the first place is because they think it is more likely than not that the person won't pay!

  2. There is a way and that is to get a Refinance thru the Company who got you the loan. Get the Primary Borrower to start setting all of that up and the refinance will take your name out of title.

  3. You cant.

    As far as the lender is concerned you both are responsible for the debt, and if one doesnt pay, then the other will. To get off the debt, the debt must be repaid in full.


  4. If you are a co-signer on the loan there is nothing you can do short of paying off the loan (by refinancing, usually).  The bank will not release you from this obligation, no matter what the situation, so you really are stuck.  Sorry, but short of buying the house yourself or helping your step father get paid up there is nothing you can do (unless you step father can and does refinance it themselves).

  5. it must be refinanced if possible in the step fathers name and you must quit claim at closing. With the notion he is behind that may not happen sorry

  6. Other advice here--that you can't remove your name and that the only way is to refinance the property--is correct.

    I'm not picking on you, but that's that very reason the lender wanted a co-signer. And that's the one obligation of a co-signer: To make payments in case the initial borrower defaulted.

    You pledged to the lender that you'd make the payments in case your stepfather failed to make payments. Your stepfather fell behind on the payments. Now the lender, very legitimately, is coming to you asking for payments.

    Your pledge was your bond, just as you made certain commitments when you entered the military.

    Speak to your commanding officer. Maybe someone in the judge advocate's office can help.

    Good luck.

  7. As co-signer you are guarteening the payments, you better start making them!  It's to late for you to be removed.  That would take refinancing the house!  I'd talk to your parents and get them making the payments, or you'll have to!  Yes it will take your credit right down the drain with theirs!

  8. I think you can write a letter to the grantor but they can still leave you as a co signer based on your stepfathers credit  

  9. A lender will not remove you form the loan.   Sorry.

    The only way to have your name removed from the loan is for your step father to do a refinance.  The lender will not release you, since you are a possible source of funds.

    If the property goes to foreclosure, it will show up on your credit.  

    The only way to improve your credit is to make the loan current. That could be a refinance, or helping your step father make payments.

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