
I am a decent wakeboarder. will i pick up snowboarding pretty easily?

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Going out for the first time next week. what should i expect?




  1. wELL its a totally different animal. Just remember to keep your weight over your front foot, In wake boarding I belive you lean back .  

    1st thing to learn is turning, and that is done by using the edges on your snowboard.  You put pressure and tilt the board to turn, BUT if your leaning back ( and thats everyones natural reaction)  you lose your edging and will most likly fall  GOOD LUCK DUDE and happy shredding

  2. Yeah it is the same kind of edging concept

  3. ya u will i ski and i picked on it easy once u r balanced (like wakeboarding) u will be fine

  4. Yes, it will be easier to pick it up.  

    And No, it is not a "totally different animal" by any means.  Sorry, dude above me, you are wrong.  

    Its actually the same general ideas.  Balencing on a board.  Keeping your knees bent and absorbing bumps that way.  Turning is pretty much the same.  Using your edges and shifting your weight.  

    When I tried wakeboarding the first time (I am a pretty good snowboarder) I was jumping the first day, and had no problems at all turning. So I imagine it must be similar the other way around.  

    The difference is it is more intimidating to go down a hard slope than to be on water.  It will hurt more when you crash.  You also keep picking up speed, unlike wakeboarding, where you can only go as fast as the boat will allow you to go.  

    The main difference is that in snowboarding you lean forward, while in wakeboarding you lean back.  Since it is natural in snowboarding to lean back when you get scared, and you are already used to leaning back, I imagine that this may be the hardest thing for you to get used to.  

    The only time you lean back on a snowboard is in deep powder.  

    If you are gutsy, and remember to lean forward, then you should pick up snowboarding pretty fast.

    The better wakeboarder you are, the faster you will probably pick up snowboarding.

  5. As a skater initially, I pondered the same question. I would hazard a guess that wake boarding is more like snowboarding than skating.

    What should you expect? To fall on your butt and to be quite sore after the first day!

    As a wakeboarder, if you imagine moving left across the surface of the water, then dipping the left edge of your board into the water, you will "catch" the board in the water and fall flat on your face. In snowboarding, catching an edge on the snow is easy to do and will result in the same disaster.

    For a beginner you should ensure your equipment is right. The length of your board will probably correlate with your height but most importantly, get boots that are a very snug but not constricting fit. If you can lift your heel off of the bottom of your boot while wearing it, its not tight enough. Ensure that your bindings are tight too.

    When boarding, initial turning is done with your feet either on your toes or on your heels. You can imagine that moving between these positions will be made much harder if your boots and bindings are loose. It will cause you to wear out your legs pretty fast.

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