
I am a diabetic my number lat nite was 89 and i was shaking uncontrolably. what do i do what do i do??

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i have diabetes no meds my numbers are usually 105-115 my 3 month test say it is under control. i do shake threw out the day but last night was terrible it looked bad and i could not even write my name. i need help my doc isnt any help. please thank you




  1. Always have some candy to counteract the shakes. I don't mean a lot; one lemon drop should make a difference. It seems contradictory for a DB, but it works.

  2. Go to a new endocrinologist for the best care.

    You need to learn to count carbs. It is the gold standard in diabetes care.

    I will leave the education up to your doctor and your dietitian.

    When you called your doctor last night due to these symptoms, what did he/she say ?

    Ever take a diabetes class ?

    Subscribe to diabetes magazines?

    Give it a try.

  3. When ever you feel that way, it is because your body has released too much insulin.  Did you eat especially, overeat, or eat something not allowed, a few hours before this incident.  Or if you take insulin you took too much.  Right away drink a glass of orange juice, or eat something sweet, a piece of candy, a jelly sandwich, whatever is handy.  Orange Juice is is best because it gets into your system quickly. And get to your doctor or a dietician who can explain diabetes to you.  I am a diabetic also.  

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