
I am a doctor?

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If someone tells you they are a you assume MD? I do, I guess cuz my moms an anesthesiologist but I met a man who was like "I am a doctor" and I said oh yeah what specialty? And he said "anthropology for my PhD gender studies for my MA" And I was like huh?

Shouldn't you only hold the title doctor for PhD in academia? Is it pretentious to expect otherwise?




  1. Yeah, I think it's normal for people to assume a subtle difference between "I am a doctor" and "I have a doctorate." Most PhDs in academia would say "I am a professor," even if their students call them Dr. Whatever.

  2. LOL!  That man is an a** on any number of levels!

  3. I don't presume it means MD.   There are lots of doctorates and MD is only one type.  

    I have just as much right to be called doctor as your mother.  

    After all you have heard the joke about what do you call a med school grad with a "c" average.- Doctor.   A person in other types of doctoral programs - has two 'c's' and they are out.   No 'c' average possible.  

    And as to your second question-  he is saying he does have a PhD in anthropology.

  4. I agree with ProfessorC.  There are many different types of doctoral programs out there and they all worked hard to earn the title of "Doctor."  Many people automatically think "medical doctor," but that is not necessarily correct.  "Doctor" basically means that you have received the highest level of training available for your specific profession - something that only a small percentage of people ever accomplish.
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