
I am a fairly smart guy but.....?

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ALWAYS need t analyse every situation and look for alterior motives. what does this say about my personality?




  1. It could mean that you're insecure. I am a definite over analyser and I often do it more when i'm anxious or feeling insecure about something. If someone has betrayed your trust in the past or hurt you this tends to make you over analyse similar situations in the future.

  2. Matbe you can't be trusted, so you don't trust anyone else.

  3. you dont trust people much!?

  4. I would imagine it says "Once bitten, twice shy." If you've had a bad experience from misinterpreting a situation, you'll be wary of getting yourself into a similar predicament in future.

    Remember the Boy Scout motto, "Be Prepared"? If you've analysed the situation you're well prepared to deal with it.

  5. You're not trusting?

  6. Defensive.

  7. that you are organised and know what you are doing.  

  8. You cant relax

  9. There are many people like you out in the world. I over analyze things too much but in a way it has kept me out of trouble.

  10. Not meaning to be offensive, but does "fairly smart" not include literacy anymore?

    "I always need...." (you missed the "I" out)

    "to", not "t"...

    "Ulterior motives..." (no such word as "alterior")

    Capital W for the start of the final sentence...

    Other than that, it doesn't say anything about your personality. I know many people who analyse, and many who don't, and there are no common personality traits.

    Try to find peace with yourself, as this will make you feel happier, and make you more approachable and attractive to others. It is a sick world, but if you spend all your time worrying about the possible bad, you will find yourself in a negative spiral, and incapable of appreciating the good.

    All the best.

  11. I think you could be an insecure person.

  12. narcissist

  13. It says that you know human nature and as a result you are untrusting. The majority of humans are out to get something. Reality is a state of mind, as each persons reality is different to the next. In other words everyone is seeing the world in there own way and only really interested in their own gains. Some more than others. I may be a bit biased because i`m exactly the same. It will be interesting to see how others answer this question.  

  14. Paddy, intelligence is only a smart part of what causes people to act and compartmentalize information.  Some intelligent people are very organized and detailed and focused, others are confused, and some even have a convoluted thought pattern.  I suggest you go to the  web site below

    Take the Keirsey Temperament Sorter test and see what your temperament type is.  My guess is this, with information you can find online and in "Please Understand Me II" authored by Keirsey, will answer your questions in detail.

  15. you are untrusting but it may be due to events when you were younger or even recent events which have led oyu to think this way. It can also be of course that you are not  to be trusted and being untrustworthy see everbody else as having the same trait.

  16. That you are OCD and that you are a rooster in the zodiac.

    It also says about your personality that everyone on earth is silently mocking you.

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