
I am a father of a 1 year old child and his mother is not letting me see my child. ?

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She is always saying that he's too young and all this but I want to be a father to my son. What can I do without getting a lawyer?




  1. if you really want to see your son and she won't let you and you don't want to go to court over it then maybe go to her house to spend time with your son..better then nothing

  2. First off. If your son is one year old. He is old enough to be able to spend the night (Or atleast DAY) at your house. As long as you can prove yourself a capable father and have everything you need, it shouldn't be a problem.

    I would suggest starting off with a sit down. (You, the mother, and a middle person. Middle person meaning someone you both know who wouldn't be biased and could help keep the peace between you two.)

    Offer her your thoughts and provide facts to defend yourself. Allow her to speak about what might be wrong, as to why you cannot spend time with your son. etc etc etc.

    If that doesn't work, there are public defenders who would be more than willing to go pro bono on a case such as this. (Do a local search and try to find someone.) If you take it to court and have even a halfway decent case you'd be granted some form of seeing your son.

    (If you pay child support she HAS to let you see your son. Whether it's under supervision or on your own.)

    Good luck and I hope you get time with your child.

    Much love,


  3. If you pay child support you have every right to see your son unless you have been convicted of a federal offense.

  4. Nothing, you need a lawyer. The law will not get involved because possession is 9/10 of the law. I went through this last year, I worked it out with my husband though, but I did see a lawyer because the cops were called and they told me that it's basically whoever has them can keep them, until you have a court order involved. So, you'll need a lawyer, sorry I know that's not what you want to hear.

  5. You are going to have to go to court and fight for your son.  There really is not any other way if she isn't letting you see him.  

  6. You need an attorney to fight for your rights as a father.  If you van not afford one, search online because there are free public offenders.

  7. 1st of all make a male avatar. If thats how you really look...(womanish) i wouldn't let you see my son either

  8. you need a lawyer, you have to fight for custody atleast visitation. aslong as ur not addicted to drugs and pay child support u should atleast get a fair shot at joint custody, you'll definitely get visitation.

    get the lawyer, isnt ur son worth it?

  9. You need to get a lawyer.

    But, until then, you need to do whatever it takes to have a relationship with your child.  You are just as much parent to your child as mom is.  The child is not too young to be with her, right?  What would a mother do if they were not allowed to see their child?  You've got to think like that, believing you are just as much parent as mom.  You are.  

    The thing is, she's got power right now.  Without a custody agreement, society is going to fall the way it almost always does & assume that the child needs mom more than dad -and- that it has to be one or the other.  

    So, you're going to have to play nice.  Very nice.  You know mom.  You knew her well enough to make a baby with her, anyway.  You know what makes her tick, what she thinks about people, what sorts of things are going to make her pleasant, what kinds of things are going to bring out her responsible, cooperative side.  You might not be happy doing those things.  You might think that it is very distasteful to do those things.  But, right now, that's what it's going to take.  

    Do them.  Sweetly manipulate as much time with your child as you can.  Supervised at first, if that's what mom wants.  Keep taking a little more liberty, in hardly noticeable increments, complimenting & thanking her the whole time.  

    And, get a lawyer so that, eventually, the two of you can just get on with your lives, co-parenting, following the legally enforceable custody agreement & building good parenting relationships with your child, free of any drama between mom & dad.  

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