
I am a female, is it normal to hate children? I just can not tolerate them, they grind my gears.?

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Ok, so maybe I was a little to harsh with the whole abortion thing..sorry if I offended anyone that has some love for children..I was just very get on my nerves..the crying, the urks me....

My mother said to me that women should never hate children because we are built to carry them...but I can't help today...

I was on the bus sitting in the front, the bus is full by the way, and then this pregnant chick comes in and ask me if I can give up my seat. I looked at her like she was on crack. I didn't get you pregnant and I don't care, go find someone else who actually cares. She was appalled..others in the bus were laughing at was funny, but lucky for her, my stop was the next one, so I had no choice..




  1. You are not alone..i know alot of females that feel the same way...its not being immature, you just have a different feel of them..hey..if we had more people admit to this instead of having their kids and then killing them by drowning them or stabbing them..the world would be a better place

  2. Is it natural, probably not. Is it socially acceptable, no. Is it morally alright, who knows?

  3. i'm not keen on kids either. but my nieces can make me laugh

  4. Not every woman was made to be a mother.  Not everyone is delighted with the poor behavior of other people's children.  You're fine.

  5. lol..your funny..i feel the same grinds my gears too

  6. I don't really like kids either.  People think that's abnormal, but its perfectly normal for me.

  7. So what? I have a uterus, but does that mean I should use it? I think not! (I actually love children, which is why I'd never want to mother one; I fear the results.)

    In your case, though, you seem to hate children to the point of wanting to see them die. THAT isn't normal.

  8. Not every woman has the mothering instinct.

    So, while it's not statistically "normal", there's nothing wrong with it.

    Better to not have children then grind your teeth when you do have them and make their lives miserable.

  9. I have kids of my own, and generally like other kids, but that doesn't automatically make me love all children.  Some are obnoxious.  That said, your reaction to the pregnant woman on the bus was deplorable.  How about a little human decency?  And what's wrong with helping the kid get his ball?  You seem to be missing the capacity for compassion.  It's not funny.  Just sad.

  10. hate children all you want but be civilized about it...

  11. wow, you should of really just given up your seat. seriously. you might think it was funny or whatever, but it was a jerk-ish thing to do. from what i know of you from that post, i don't think you're a nice person.

    i don't like kids either, but i don't dislike people who have kids... thats just stupid.

    In fact, im rather fond of people who have kids. See, they populate the world, which is an important job which i would rather not do (yet, im only 16)

    Edit: to answer your question, its not really normal to hate kids, but theres nothing wrong with it. i don't really like kids either. just don't have them. but, you know, they are still human beings with rights and all that jazz... so you can't just treat them like c**p because you don't like them.

  12. Most women like children because if we didn't the human race would die out, we are programmed by nature to want to reproduce.

    However, if you belong to the minority who do not it doesn't matter. Nobody has to have children if they don't want to.

    I think it showed a lack of courtesy on your part not to give up your seat to the pregnant girl, pregnancy makes you very very tired, and she probably needed a seat.  I find it surprising that other people found your bad manners funny, but that's modern life I suppose.

  13. I think this is not so much about hating children but more to do with rebelling against your mother.  She apparently is hoping one day to be a grandma and you want the world to know you are worth more than 'just' bearing children.  Nothing wrong in that, but I am sure you can find more productive and positive ways to promote yourself and assert your personality?

    And yes, kids can be annoying at times, thats just kids trying out the boundaries of their behaviour.  You gotta love 'em!  No?  Ok then.

  14. Well there is a difference between not wanting or liking children and being down right are being the later.  I agree, I am surprised people actually laughed at you.  Maybe they were laughing at such an immature sounds like something a teenager would say.

    I am an elementary teacher (24 years old as well) so of course I am a bit biased here.  I LOVE kids, they are little wonders to me.  I generally like the younger ones better than older.  But one of my coworker's is a high school teacher.  She does have a young one of her own but says she would HATE doing what I do.  That she HATES little kids (I am sure she is making an exception for her own).   She doesn't seem very motherly or nurturing to me, but she is a good teacher none the less and has chosen to have a child.  She seems like a good mother as well.  A dislike for kids does not mean you can't be a mom in all cases I suppose.

    I think it is normal to not like or want kids though, male or female.  At least you are doing kids a favor by recognizing this.  Who knows how many children are being raised improperly because their mother can't stand them.  Just make sure you are still respectful.  As I tell my 1st do not have to like everyone, you just have to respect them.

    Learn a 1st grade lesson.


    EDIT-  Oh, I am so calling TROLL on you.

  15. Your lack of concern for the safety and well being of others may be considered "normal" by today's standards, but your actions are anything but okay.

  16. its not very common, but its not unnatural or wrong either.

    However, not giving up your seat to a pregnant women is an a*****e thing to do. would you not give up your seat to an old person who was frail and needed a seat? because 'you didn't make them old'. thats ridiculous. simple fact pregnant women need that goddamn seat more than you and you are very immature if you let your dislike of children get in the way of you manners and simple human decency.

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