
I am a fifteen year old with puberty questions, can anyone help?

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-My p***s is about 6.2 inches when erect.

-I am a very slightly less than 5'8'' tall.

-I have lots of pubes, but no "happy trail" yet.

-I have very little facial hair, and the hair that I DO have is blonde.

-I have a nice, deep voice.

-I have as broad of shoulders as I (think) will get.

-I have a decent of amount of armpit hair.

Now, my main question about puberty is when will I be done with it, based on these facts?




  1. Mostly the facts you have giving don't mean anything about when puberty will finally be over for you.

    Puberty is a long process, its a change in life of growing and maturing, Most do not stop "growing" in height untill about 18-20 years old, but it seems as though you have gone through some big steps already of puberty.

    Everyone is different, some face acne and voice cracks for some time while others glide through it.  Its very hard to saw when it will be over and given though you are 5.8 and only 15 you have many years to still grow.

    p***s size and pubic hair or even the sound of you voice doesn't determine puberty and when it will end, you body will take the steps it needs.

    This isn't something anyone can determine for you, only time.

  2. Well, your doctor would be the best person to ask about this. But for guys, as you probably know, puberty usually comes later. I have friends who didn't have their major growth spurt until college! My boyfriend is 6'5'' and still growing! (not much more though). He's 18. So, my guess is that you'll grow until sometime in college. You'll get more pubic & facial hair. But, your p***s size will stay the same.  

  3. well dude im 17 an i guess im done with it nothin new about me

  4. ok your probably not 6.2 inchers

    not 5'8

    and i think your lying cuz

    you sound like your bragging about some stupid stats or something

    and if you arent lying go ask your health teacher...

  5. ******* is 6ft 2  

  6. Oh you will be through with your puberty when you stop thinking about and describing your p***s, ur broad shoulders and other physical characteristics...  

  7. who knows? even though u show some signs of puberty and you obviously started early, ur puberty could slow and strech into your college years. or u could be done by the time ur out of college, which is most likely what will happen. puberty is different for everyone, and there is no exact starting and ending point. curse u and ur 6.2 p***s!

  8. its really different for everybody. you could be done in a few months to a few years.

  9. 21

  10. about 20, 21

  11. You should be done with puberty in about a year or so.

  12. around 22 maybe not that anything on the outside will change it will all be internallly. Your pretty much done all you can hope for is for your p***s to grow some more but it wont happen

  13. around 17

  14. i have noooooooooo idea....eveyone is different

  15. Is your name zohan?

  16. sometimes puberty can last until people are 20yo

  17. you could be close to done

    body slightly increases up till your 30s but natural blondes sometimes have less or fainter hair

    and the 6.2 is a little higher than average, 5 to 5.5 is about 80% of the population

  18. Puberty stops between 19 and 21

  19. your gonna keep changing and growing till your about 24yrs old. and BTW the blonde face hair is peach fuzz you have had that your whole life its now becoming noticeable as it changes to facial hair which can take another year or more.  

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