
I am a figure skater looking to go into competition.?

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What should i wear for competitions? what will the judges be looking for. calling all figure skaters!!!




  1. i've only been comiting for 4 years or so now but i know the basics so basiclly what u need first of all is to get a solo talk to ur coach about it ( if u don't have a couch that u will need to ) then u need to practice alot to impress the juges lol but then what to wear? first of all u will need tights... u will probably want boot cover tightsto cover any marks on ur skates and the dress it really depends on ur music for

    what dress u should wear hope it will help

  2. one-talk to your coach about it

    two-make sure your dress goes with your music, not just random stuff (if it is compulsory, then make sure it goes with you, and how you skate-colors that complement your style of skating)

    three-try to be neat, have high jumps, clean jumps, spins that don't travel a lot, graceful speed, smooth footwork,etc

    just try to concentrate on one thing at a time when you're skating in a competition-that thing is the thing you are doing at the moment. try to do your best

    good luck!

  3. Usually when competing, you want a costume/dress/outfit that compliments your musical selection.  There are the obvious ones....for example, if you skate to "Rhapsody in Blue," you'd look silly if you wore a hot pink dress....and there are the not-so-obvious cases where you can be creative on what kind of dress you wear.  If your music is from a soundtrack, take ideas from that.  If you're skating without music (compulsory), you can be even more creative.  Usually you want what you wear to be classy and conservative.  It's been my experience that most judges kind of have an "old school" style and would frown upon crazy music and revealing costumes.  

    Maybe look online and find some competitions going on in your area.  Go watch and take some mental notes on what the skaters are wearing.  It also helps you figure out what to expect when it's YOUR turn to get out there!  :)  There are some nice, affordable dresses for sale on eBay if you're in a pinch!

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