
I am a figure skater trying to lose weight again. Help please????

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I started skating when I was 18... stopped when I was 21 an just started again late last year... now I am 24. When I started skating again I lost about 15 pounds but now I am not losing anymore. I know its because I skate at a rink that is inside a mall and the food is really bad for me. Any tips on healthy foods I can take with me??? I have access to a fridge and a microwave.




  1. Well, you want to get some carbs into you if you're going to go ice-skating. What I usually do when I go for my lessons is take a package of crackers with me [ Breton Wholegrain] If you want a MEAL, then you might want to consider a good sandwich [maybe a chicken on whole wheat?]

  2. Well, the good news is that you're getting a lot of exercise. Hard skating burns about 900 calories an hour... that's comparable to spending an hour on level 10 on the stair stepper. But, that mall food will kill you! It will also make you fat.

    The key to losing weight and not being hungry is to take in less than you're burning. There's three ways to do this and not feel like you're starving all the time: protein, bulk, and water. Eating a snack high in protein with complex carbs (whole wheat rather than white bread for example) will give you energy to burn and keep you from getting hungry as quick as something with lower quality carbs would. By bulk, I mean low calorie stuff that takes up space and digests slowly: vegis like carrots, celery, lettuce (NO DRESSING). And last but not least, DRINK WATER. For the most part, you don't need the empty calories from sports drinks, but you do need to stay hydrated. A lot of what people think is hunger is really thirst. Avoid soda, it's salty and only makes you thirstier.

  3. You could take with something healthy, like an apple or a banana. If you have access to a microwave, then maybe something like low fat noodles? I would recommend you taking Morrisons Natural Yogurt, it's really tasty and only 2% fat! And you can through in it apple chunks or pineapple, whatever fruit you like!

  4. Herbalife.  Healthy, full of nutrition shakes.  Easy to make and take and will take the weight off.

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