
I am a first time mom and I have a two month old baby boy he is awake sometimes all day is this normal?

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He is figity and hard to put asleep sometimes is this normal?




  1. Yes, unfortunately stubbornness seems to be a trait we are born with.

    Try doing more and different activities with him then he is used to. This also goes for ways of getting him to go to sleep.

  2. Kids are really very very moody.  If u were having sufficient sleep when u were expecting, than the baby sleeps a lot or vice versa.

    My daughter also had problems about her sleep.  But according to me the things are normal

  3. absolutely normal. i had the same problem like yours. my baby used to stay awake 20rs n sleep 4 hrs lol. it was terrible as i cud never get any time for myself. she is now 6 months old n takes 2 naps a day (2hrs each) during those days i used to give her a long warm water bath in the afternoon n massage her (atleast 20 min)feed her n put her down for a nap. it always worked for me. she was always swaddled n i still swaddle her everytime she takes a nap or sleeps during the night. oh n what always works for her is the white noise.

    oh ya, till date she never sleeps in her crib during her naps. she always sleeps in her swing.whnever she sleeps in her crib in the daytime , she wakes u in 1/2hr.

  4. Yeah, it's normal.  He's getting to the age where he will be staying up longer.  Try putting him in a bouncer or swing while he's awake.  Or on a play mat.  My daughter loves to play on a blanket with her toys.  She's been doing it since about 2 months.  Keeps them entertained, and it wears them out so they don't fight sleep as much.

  5. My daughter went through a period when she would only sleep a couple hours a day, and was figity and hard to put asleep. It was because she wasn't getting enough to eat. Try upping your baby's formula by an ounce. If you are breastfeeding, you may not be producing enough, and may need to supplement with some formula. At this age, they should be sleeping quite a bit. Try feeding a little more at each feeding, and I bet he will sleep better for you.  

  6. try swaddling son never liked to sleep

  7. EACH child is different.

    Sometimes, they will find enough interesting things (to them) going on to not want to go to sleep.

    At least maybe he will sleep ALL night if he stays up all day.

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