
I am a foreign student undergoing training for my course. Do i need a work permit?

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I am a foreign student undergoing training for my course. Do i need a work permit?




  1. Foreign student from where?  Studying what?  Undergoing what kind of training? Work permit for which country?

  2. Your question has many loose ends. Which is your country of origin? Whcich country are you student at? Elaborate your question, so as to share our views.

  3. if you are going under training course , than it should not be considered as work ? if you are been paid ? you need to ask your school or course leader , since you did not say enough about  your location nor the training and in which country ?

  4. dude,

    u have NOT provided a single piece of information that can enable us to answer yr question.

    which country r u currently studying in?

    what course r u studying?

    which is your country of origin(citizenship).

    without the above info, it wil be impossible to answer your question.

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