
I am a former helicopter cfi from a bankrupt school. I have 880 hours pic and I am looking for work.?

by  |  earlier

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The problem I am having is most commercial jobs require 1000 hrs pic minimum. I am having a hard time getting back on with a flight school because I am to close to 1000 hrs. They assume that I am going to hit 1000 hours and leave. So they don't want to hire me. What other options do I have. I'm broke so I can't buy more hours.




  1. Why not try offering them an opportunity to hire a CFI and save some money doing so.  

    1. Offer to sign a two year, legal binding, contract in which you promise to remain with them no matter what "better" position comes available and that you agree to a fee of $10,000.00 if you violate the agreement (contingent upon your being able to fly...situations out of your control do not violate the agreement).  Stipulate that 6 months prior the end of your contract you would like a meeting to discuss staying with them, quitting or working for one of their affiliates.    

    2. Allow them to reduce your wages by 50% of the insurance rate for the first year or the full contract period.

    3.  Have them place 20% of your pay (sign an agreement allowing them to do this legally) in an account that will mature at the end of the 2 year contract, during which time they collect the interest and you receive a lump sum payment after fulfilling your agreement (severance) - (unless they decide to let you go sooner in which they give you the balance on the date of your separation).

    Give them a reason for hiring you.  Make it a win - win situation for both parties involved.  Make it difficult for them to say "No"... During your employment with them go the extra mile and astound them with your ability, drive and commitment to excellence in your field.  They may offer to dissolve your contract prior to the 2 years, offer better wages, offer to assist you in relocating to another of their locations, a business venture with them or arranging employment with one of their affiliates or clients.   You will never know until you burn it into their heads that "YOU ARE THEIR BEST CHOICE"!  Take away their "fear" or your blowing town upon reaching 1000 hours and you may receive a few offers (negotiate a good salary!!!).  

    Or... Decide what you would be willing to obligate yourself to and submit it with your request for a position.

    Good luck and so sorry Silver s*****m Helicopters gave you the shaft!

  2. I know of a position available in Wilmington,NC instructing in an R-44.  email, me if you are interested.


  4. Tell them you only have 600 hours

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