
I am a foster parent in the state of KY. If I adopt my foster daughter, does the state cut off all aide?

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Do I get any financial aide at all or does she get healthcare? I am not sure if it's in her best interest to adopt her if we lose all financial support




  1. me and my mom did foster care and we were gonna adopt the kids but if we did the county doesnt pay you anymore for having them so i wouldnt

  2. you should be able to get medic-aid type medical coverage but as for financial support it will cease. as a foster parent you are helping the state by taking in a child who's parents are unfit or gave the child up. the state is paying you for the childs room and board basically with the understanding that it is not a permanent arrangement and the child maybe adopted by someone else or even returned to their parents. if you don't adopt you keep the support but risk losing her to one of the aforementioned cases. if you adopt her you take her into your family permanently and are therefore responsible for her keep

  3. depends on the state.  in illinois you continue to get it.

  4. I agree with Alikat-I mean what are your priorities? Do you want to be her forever family or do you want the money more. Thats all there is to it. If you adopt her she will legally be able to go on your insurance if you have it. We all know that foster care doesn't really give you much money when it comes to providing for a child anyway. I feel that every child deserves a forever home. I do want to say I'm not hating on you but this is how I feel. I have a deep respect for people who do foster care-It is not easy especially when you are attatched to a child and they are removed either to be with their family or to a new foster place or whatever. You have a big heart for fostering and I give you props for that. I also noticed above that you said "in her best interest" so I get what you are saying now. If she was given the choice, I bet she would rather be adopted than having the most popular clothes or a cell phone. She would just be happy to have security in her life. Good Luck whatever your decision and God Bless your family!

  5. you may be able to get the information you need here:

    I hope that you decide you can afford to adopt this child, she needs that permanency in her life!

  6. man i'm just answering this question for my 2 points. this question is so offensive i don't know weather to laugh or cry.

    in any state they stop paying you for your services because you aren't doing a service anymore. that child is yours as if you had delivered it.

    You know as an adoptee it is repulsive to listen to anyone talk about weather or not their going to get money for a human being. It's like the slave trade switched from black people to adopted kids. which on eis cheaper, which one has the features i want, do they have problems?

    before you asked this question the way that you did i would have told you to start a bank account and save the money that you think you will need. but for you to say oh well we might not get anymore money so you can't stay with us is just the cruelist thing that could have ever come out of your mouth. weather you said it directly to the child or not but, you are truley thinging it so now i don't think you need to adopt them. nor do you need to foster because we are people. not a paycheck.

  7. I live in KENTUCKY and the answer is NO.  You will not receive benefits any longer.  You will not receive FOSTER benefits, I should say.  There are many other benefit programs available.  See below.

    If you love the child, adopt him/her.  He/She needs the finality. It's emotionally IMPORTANT.

    Depending on your financial situation, you can receive medical benefits for a minor.  There are two programs and they are WONDERFUL.  Many states do not have such great medical programs.  One program is full benefits, no copay charges, etc...It covers everything from dental to medical to physco therapy to even eyes.  This is Medicaid and it is available within certain financial guidelines.  You file the application at your local DCBS.  The other option is just as great.  It is for higher income families, but still fall within financial guideline restrictions.  This is for a more middle class financial status.  You receive the same benefits, but have a small monthly premium and a $2-4 COPAY.  The premiums are very minor and most Kentucky families would qualify under this.  There is also kinship benefits, if you are related to the child.  Kinship is like child support.  They are many more great benefits for needy families in Kentucky.  Call you local Dept of Child and Family Services.  This is where you will need to apply.

    Adopt the child if you love them.  Finances should not be the reason not to.

  8. well im adopted n i THINK the state gives u some money or sumthin, but like the older ur adopted child gets, i think the less money the state gives. also, be sure to make this child feel good all the time no matter what becuz i hate my new family! so luv her like shes ur own

  9. I feel like it is always in a childs best interest to be adopted. Then you have said "We want you forever, no matter what we have to do to provide for you." Yes, you will have to support this child now, and provide healthcare. But do you love them? If you do, you will do what it takes to provide what that child needs. If all you are looking for is financial assisstance, then you shouldn't be a foster parent anyway.

  10. A person who is into it for the financial "support" should not even be allowed to foster or adopt.

    You should be extremly ashamed.

  11. Wow if that is your main concern then why ask. There is always aid- foster child or not. I would think to give a child a permanent family would be more beneficial than all the money in the world. Even poor families can have happy lives together.

  12. I think it depends on the child's situation.  My brothers were special needs, so when my parents adopted them (the never were foster parents) my brothers still got medicaid and my parents got a small monthly check as well.  It really wasn't much, but the medicaid can be a God sent if your child has something that will end up with high medical bills.  This was in Texas though.  I think you really need to check with your daughters's social worker to find out.

  13. I believe that they do cut off your aide... For THAT child. So if you have more foster children you will still get aide from the state for the children you have not adopted.

  14. After my aunt and uncle adopted their two foster sons they continued getting monthly checks. So, I think the answer is yes, you still get some money.

  15. If you love the child money shouldn't enter the picture. If you are in it for the money don't bother.

  16. In Illinois it would matter if the child has special needs or not.   Illinois recognizes that cutting off financial aid and medical benefits discourages adoption.  They have changed policies to include payment to families that adopt.  It is not the same amount as if you are fostering, but it is something.  IL also takes other variables into special needs.  Depending on this issue will also determine HOW MUCH is given to the adoptive family.  You would need to check with your child's Caseworker.  Child Welfare Departments have written policy's about these issues.  You can ask for a copy of the Procedure that discusses foster care perdeims and Subsidized Adoptions.

  17. in wisconsin if you adopt from foster care, you continue to get financial help and medical. Not sure if its all states though.

  18. My mother in law has 2 adopted kids and 2 foster care kids that she is going to adopt. Actually the 3rd baby will be adopted in Nov. and she gets $500 a month for both all of them including the other foster kid plus WICK for the 3 little ones and Medicaid. We live in NYC so i dont know the rules in other states but I do know she gets money for them even when they are adopted. I dont know if it matters or not but they are also distant relatives. Hope this helped alittle.

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