
I am a freshman in high school, but i am doing independant studies, do you think i should go back to school?

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independant studies cuts me off from all my friends at school...a lot of people say that by doing this im ruining my teenage life...but im not sure because with independant studies i get my credits way faster and i get to graduate faster...i dont know what to!!!




  1. YES go back to school.  

    Independent studies may sound great because it is self-paced.  

    If you can work Independently and sucessfully, Ind.studies may be for you.  

    If not, let the regular school teachers help you.

    Faster credit may mean less information and lowered standards of knowledge based education.

    Do not miss out on the interaction and social skills needed from you peers.

    The main thing though is NOT to Dropout.

    Good Luck

  2. Do what make you happy. Why would doing indepentant studies cut you off from all your friends at school? Do  and have both.

  3. First off, why do you want to graduate faster? I would like to graduate with my friends, because I think that just sounds so awesome, being the senior class and 'ruling the school' and all. I don't think it would be any fun graduating by yourself. But that's just my opinion.

  4. Its really your choice.

    I'm doing the same thing, but I'm trying to get into boarding school and if I don't get acpected than I'm going to do middle college.

  5. It all depends on whether or not you really enjoy the social aspect of high school. I know alot of people who have done independent study and who are fine people. I did it for a little while and finished high school a tad early and hang out with my friends all the time. In my opinion, I dont think that you are ruining your teenage life, it in some ways is another path to getting as much, even more work done and not having to be around all the junk that happens in the public school system. Also down the road, independent study helps to show self determination when applying to colleges as well.

  6. Having your friends around is worth going. Life is going to suck after you get out of high school. All you're concerned about is graduating quicker? For what? So you can work more? Overall, I think real schools are much better than any form of home school. Especially since you have certified teachers. I would go back if I were you.

    Good luck. :D

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