
I am a g*y. How to live my life?

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I came out to my mother. She agreed that she would not force me to marry a girl. But at the same time she insisted that gayness is filth and I should not have relationship with any man (even a life long faithful relation with one man). It means I have to live lonely all my life. All my friends got married and hence I cant meet my friends as often as before. So its like living in a lonely world. As per my mother's advice I should not date any guy also. But seriously I am not interested in dating. I need a man to share my whole life but mother is restricting it. I love my mother too. She has toiled a lot to bring me to a better position in thi society. But this one thing is really disturbing me. I need to know what are the difficulties and challenges a man would face if he lived singly all his life. What problems I would face socially, pschylogically.?




  1. First, informing your mother is something good.

    Second, respecting your mother word is something v.good.

    now, you need to do something excellent: go to specialist/consultant and check if you are really g*y. dear, you are not specialist to come up with such big/complicated issue. You need to check professionally.

    To me, you are a MAN....(how old are you?)

    One girl is waiting for you somewhere... just go for her, love her and do what mature and healthy man is doing ......

    By this, you will return the support you received by you mother and defiantly you will notice how happy she would be.

  2. I think you should just do what you feel. You can engage in a relationship with a guy if you'd like. That would probably be the healthiest thing to do.

  3. with all due respect to your mother, to thine own self be true.

    you are an adult now and responsible for your own life.finding contentment becomes more and moer important as we get older.

    incidently, what if you live your life single and lonely, and then on your mother's deathbed she apologises for trying to control you, and wishes she would have been more accepting? this is not out of the question. dont waste your happiness based on her beliefs...they may not be right for YOU.

    all the best.

  4. well hun, im not exactly sure.

    but you cannot let your mother control your life. i let mine control mine for far too long. your mother cannot tell you who to love. the choice of love is yours and yours alone.

    do not be ashamed of who you are.

    people will like you and love you for your true self. when you put a mask on and pretend you are someone you are not, it will rip you apart inside.

    and how can your mother force you to get married to a woman? if you are of the age to get married then you simply marry who you want. dont live life through your mother (or anyone else for that matter), live through yourself.  

  5. I am sorry you are experiencing this difficult situation. You seem to be a good and respectful son to your mother and trying to understand her. But I wish your mother would be more understanding towards you. I believe that if God made you this way, this is natural and normal, and g*y people deserve the same happiness as anyone else in this world. You want to find a true long-term partner and care for that person, so in my opinion there is no ''filth'' about it.

    I feel for your mother, I just think her idea is wrong and I hope she slowly changes her mind a little. It was brave of you to tell her the truth. Now you need patience to see if she can accept it. Even if she hates it now, anything is possible for the future. If she is conservative religious then it is difficult, but still...

    Right now I think you need good friends. As your friends are married and busy, maybe you can look for some more friends too. It doesn't need to be g*y friends, just anyone who is good and understanding and makes you feel relaxed. If you live in a community with high discrimination, you might need to look at a g*y support group for social friendship too.

    I don't believe you will be single your whole life. There is a long road ahead.

  6. Try maybe being bi?

    Try liking a girl.

  7. you shold live ur life how yo choose with whom you choose to live it , ur mother im sure loves you and you love her but there has to be some boundries. Dont let her decide how or with whom to live ur life, since it is YOUR life. Listen we all live once. Its up to you at the end of the day but i suggest you do what you want, and do what u think is right. life passes by fast,do u really wanna be alone when ur 60 or 70 just cause of what ur mum thinks? think about it and goodluck!

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