
I am a giant.....plz help

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i am 13 years old and i am 5' 9''.... I play every sport possible, but i am still uncomfortable about my heigth.....




  1. What do you want us to do? Theres not really a question in your question!

    Theres nothing you can do to 'shrink'. Just relaxe about it, it's not gunna kill ya!

    A lot of girls want to be that hight, just be glade your not a midget ((no offence to midgets)).

  2. That is nothing to worry about. Your friends and classmates will eventually catch up with you. I have that same problem. There is nothing you can do but wait for your peers to catch up.

  3. im 15 and 5'11

    i am very athletic also..embrace your height..somedays i wish i was smaller and cuter, but i love being tall, i stand out in a crowd (litterally lol) also tall girls can eat more and it doesnt show as much :)

    use your height to your advantage! your a good size tall, not to tall, learn to love yourself, and the rest will come easy :)

  4. you'll stop growing.

    i have the same problem, but im 14 and 5' 7

    you'll eventually start loving your height.

    just dont complain cause then others around you will think the same.

  5. i am too..

    im 15 and 5'10

    dont worry its always good to be tall

    you can always see the stage at concerts

    and i guess guys like long legs.. lol

    althoughh it does suck when you wear heels and are taller than your father lol

    do you have the problem where your taller than all of the boys?

    (i hated that)

    dont worry about it once you get to high school youll all be the same

    height and eventually theyll get taller (:

    its always good to be taller too, because if you gain weight it doesnt show as much as people that are short.

  6. Embrace the art of MODELING!

  7. 5'9'' is a really s**y height! Lucky you!!!

  8. hah ur taller then me and im 16 lol but alot of girls would kill for that kind of height

  9. embrace who you are, most guys love tall women!! im 6'0 tall and i get great  compliments everyday! you could model one day, you cant change who you are so you may as well love it! I do!

  10. I'm 16 and I'm 5'4. Don't worry about it if you play sports that's a good thing. A lot of Colleges like tall people for basketball. Your tall for a reason. Bring out the best of it. (:

  11. Become a runway model or something.

  12. d**n you should feel lucky!! I'm 13 too but I'm only 4ft 10& a half in ! I wish I could grow as tall as you!! I'm sure that someday you will be glad that you are this tall.. when you get older (: so don't worry about ur height. just know that there are others who WANT to be as tall as you. :]]]

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