
I am a good fighter but before a fight i sometimes get scared?

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Even if its someone i know i can beat

How can i stop this fear

(street fighter)




  1. I fight pro heavy weight and trust me mate no matter how many fights you have you will have fear. You will learn to harness it but it will always be there. What I do is shut the fight out until the last minute when you step through the ropes.

    Read Tysons book as Cus Dimato (excuse the spelling) has a really good few pages about fear and how the mind lies to you. I found it fantastic!! Good luck.

    P.S. only a fighter who has stepped through those ropes know what you are talking about here. Everyone has a say on it but very few have the balls to do what we are doing. Good on ya mate, keep your right hand up and chin down and WIN!!!

  2. Use the fear as a bonus, it will keep you going, and make you fight more, because everytime you fight, and you win, knowing how scared you were, you'll have a little confidence boost.

  3. you dont want to stop th fear u want to control it

    ride with it and let it help you fear is a natural response

    flow with it

  4. Relax.

  5. easy. f****** warm up/ shadow box right before the fight and then charge, be the first to the punch!!!!!

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