
I am a govt contracter My Weight is 82.5 Height is 5 feet 7 Inches BP 110/170?

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I am a govt contracter My Weight is 82.5 Height is 5 feet 7 Inches BP 110/170?




  1. Your blood pressure is what they call a "silent killer." I'm not saying you're gona die!  It's not that bad, but the bottom number is too high.   And if your weight is 82 and a half pounds, well that is WAY too skinny. You really need to see a doctor ASAP.  How about making an appointment on Monday? OK?  

    Bless you and good luck!  :)

  2. your BP 170/110  is in the higher side. Relax well. see your doc.

  3. You are just fine as long the BP 110/170 is a typo error and it should have been 110/70. If the weight is 82.5 KG then don't let it go up rather observe healthy diet and healthy life style, no alcohol drugs smoke, do regular exercise and yoga and gradually bring it down to 65 to 70 KG at the most, that will decrease your risk of cardio vascular problems, diabetes, stroke and premature disability and death, must consult with your doctor. If your blood pressure is 170/110 you must see your doctor immediately for proper recheck up and proper advise which you should follow as a must

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